<br />South Bend, Indiana
<br />110 the Common Council
<br />City of.South Bend
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />Nov. 16, 1936
<br />Petition of Katherine E. Loughman et al. for change of zoning classification of lots
<br />25 and 26 in Jacob .Leer's survey Pnd part of Lot P Wenger and Kreighbaum's'Vistl* Ave. Add.
<br />from residence to commercial use district wee'considered s_t a s.pecial meeting of the City PIPn
<br />Commission Nov. 13, and this change in the height and area district.
<br />At the request of the City Plan Commission two petitions were combined and the amount
<br />of territory- reduced. The recommendation that the height and area district remain as at pre-
<br />sent is for the purpose of providing r suitable set beck on these lots to conform to the
<br />adjoining residence property.
<br />Yours truly
<br />D. Mooma_w
<br />s.
<br />Sect.
<br />Councilman Goetz moved recommendation of City Planning Commission be concurred. Councilmen
<br />Bierwa�en seconded the motion. Motion carried. - -
<br />Balance on Hand first of month - - - - - - - - - --- --- - - - - - '- - - - - - — 669,163.63
<br />Balance on October 31 1936 - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1695,191.36
<br />Respectfully submitted, Fred Woodward, City Controller, Report accepted by the Council and ordex
<br />ed to be placed on file. Motion carried.
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 3191
<br />An Ordinence amending certain parts of Ordinance N0.2331 commonly known as the Zoning Ord-
<br />inance.
<br />The Ordinance wee given its third rePding.by title end was placed upon its passage end
<br />passed by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen, James, Kerner, Fish, Chambers, Rnd
<br />Palicki. 9 Pyes. O ,nays. Ordinance, nd.opted..
<br />ORDIYA NCE NO , 13 92
<br />An Ordinance trar.Rf.erri.nq� the sum of Two Hundred. Dollars from ,'cer'tain nbcounts under the
<br />Board of Aviation to other accounts under the Board of Aviation.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third. reeding by title end was placed upon its passage and
<br />passed by the following -vote: Hull, Goetz, Biexwagen, James, Kerner, Fish, Chambers, and
<br />! Palicki." i ayes. 0 Nays. Ordinance adopted.
<br />!ORDINANCE NO. 31�3 _
<br />An Ordinance appropriating the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars from the
<br />General Fund of the City of South Bend to 5 -15, the .same being the a.ccognt for, New Traffic
<br />Lights,, under the Board. of Safety of the City of South Bend, 'Indiana,
<br />The Ordinance was given its thir,,d rending by title and was placed. upon its pta.ssege end
<br />pissed by the Following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen, James, Kerner, Fish, Chambers, and
<br />Palicki. S eyes. 0 Nays. Ordinance adopted.
<br />:An Ordinance amending Ordinance No 2331, adopted by the Con;.non Council of the City of -
<br />South Bend:, Indiana, on June 25, 1923, commonly known Ps the Zoning Ord!Tia.nce.
<br />�K�X�f i�33���KKX�k��X�giEKi�Xii�KXXXX��XiEKK�YK�Xib�XXgi�X. �X�# �X���X�S�k���dX� #XgX�X�Ki;���XX�€K�XXX
<br />�63�K�E��X��EXXK�Xg�KX�t�EX��X��X�XXXN�XXX
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by.♦title, i:ts- secohd� reading in full and on
<br />Motion of Councilmen Chambers the Rules. were suspended by the following vote: Hull, Goetz,
<br />Bierwagen, James, Kerner, Fish; Chambers, Pnd Palicki. 8 eyes. 0 Nays. Rules suspended and
<br />Ordinance goes to third reading.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reeding by title and-was placed upon its passage and
<br />passed: by the follcri-ng vote Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen, Kerner, Fish, James, Chambers and Palicki
<br />8 ayes. 0 Neys. Ordinance adopted.
<br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL of the City 1 South Bend, Indiana
<br />That permission be given the County Commissioners of St. Joseph County, State of Indiana, the
<br />right to remove the Reynold's Membriel Watering'Trough located on Main Street between WPShing-
<br />ton end Jefferson Streets.
<br />- Geo . F. Hull,.
<br />Councilmen Chambers moved said resolution be adopted. Councilman o2 econd.ed the motion.
<br />Motion carried.
<br />WHEREAS, various civic groups of South Bend have previously expressed a belief that a. se -rage
<br />disposal plant should be built in -order to eliminate the unsanitary, filthy condition of the St.
<br />Joseph River; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the building of such sewage disposal plant would provide employment for many of the un-
<br />employed who are otherwise dependent upon the taxpayers for sustaina.nce and the such employment
<br />would provide employment at a living wage for such otherwise unemployed; and,
<br />WHEREAS, newspaper-reports indicate thet the State of Michigan is about to bring such Potion by
<br />courts as might result in forcing the City of South Bend, Indiana, to discontinue the dumpege
<br />-of sevrage in the St. Joseph River; and,
<br />a
<br />I .
<br />