Councilmen Goetz moved that said be referred to the Park Board with recommendation for consid-
<br />eretion. Councilman gasmuseeri seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />A letter end affirmation from the State Board of Tax Commissioners were read in regard to Ord -
<br />insnee #3177 for additional appropriations in the sum of $750.00, for the purchase of a new
<br />extention ladder.
<br />Councilmen Kerner moved that said letter be placed on file. Councilman Rasmussen seconded the
<br />motion. *Motion carried.
<br />Office of the Mayor
<br />August 3, 1936
<br />Sirs:
<br />Much complatnt is being received by the Mayor from people who are not receiving lame
<br />salaries or pay, that they are unable td-rent houses to live in.
<br />Looking over the city it is noticed that meny houses are for rent. You honorable body
<br />is requested to eppoint a committee to study this matter in niew of presenting a. resolution
<br />correcting the situation if possible.
<br />Very reppectfully,
<br />George W. Freyermuth
<br />Mayor of South Bend
<br />GWF :IL
<br />Councilman Chambers moved said letter be referred to the Public Improvement Committee for their
<br />action and.recommendsticn.. Councilman Goetz moved for an amendment, that the cabinet take it
<br />up with'the real estate board for consideration. Councilmen Chambers seconded the motion.
<br />Motion carried.
<br />South Bend:, Indiana,
<br />July 30th, 1936
<br />Common Council of City of South Bend
<br />and B
<br />Board of Heelth of South Bend, Indiana.
<br />Dear Sir:
<br />Can you Gentlemen arrange Thereby workers on W. P. A. projects, could. take out-the
<br />soft sand -on -1100 block West Hancock Street, this city, end replace same with'GRAVEL and make
<br />this Street useful for all purposes used b-,y owners of home and others who ever is using this
<br />street.
<br />Yours truly,
<br />Joseph Kasprzak
<br />PS: Would be advisable.if you could arrange to send Health officer to investigate the condition
<br />caused by heavy soft nand blowing to homes on account elevation ETC.
<br />Councilman Hull moved said letter be referred to the Street Commissioner for consideration_ and
<br />immediate action. Councilmen Kerner seconded the motion. motion carried.
<br />The undersigned, owners and interested parties to the following real estate located in
<br />South Bend, German :'Tolrnship, St.Mseph County, S +a.te of India na, and known as Lots 1, 2, 3, , 4,
<br />5, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Bl inclusive together with a strip of ground 16 feet wide running in an
<br />easterly and westerly direction from Sheridan Avenue to Chicago Street, known as an alley sep-
<br />areting louts 4 end 18 to the North and Lots 1, 2, 3, 19, 20, and 21 to the South, all being
<br />known as Lincoln Plaza .Addition in the said City, County, and State; do hereby petition you
<br />Honorable Board to ckhnge the present zoning of said lots and alley from an "A" Residential,
<br />Height and Area District to "C" Commerical, Height and Area District.
<br />Your petitioners and interested parties hereto would further represent to your Honorable
<br />Body that said Lots 1, 2, 3, 19, 20 And ?1 front the Highway known as Lincoln Highway test to
<br />the South; that Lots 4 end 5 front a street known a's Sheridan Avenue to the East; that Lots 1
<br />adjo lne Sheridan Avenue to the East: that Lots 16, 17, and 18 front Chicago Street from the West
<br />and that Lot 21 adjoins Chicago Street from the West; that said strip of land 16 feet wide run -
<br /> in en eesterl;y *and westerly direction commInly known es an alley, separated Lots 4 a.nd 19
<br />to the -North and Lost 1, 2, 3, 19, 20 and 21 to the Sozith of said alley and that said alley is
<br />running in an easterly and westerly direction from Sheridan Avenue to Chicago Street, all being
<br />a part of the entire tract herein to be considered for rezoning.,
<br />Your petitioners Rnd interested adjoining property owners hereby further represent to your
<br />Honorable Body that at the time of the passing of the zoning ordinance by the Common Council of
<br />the City of South Berd, to -twit, June 25, 1.923, end approved snd signed by the Honorable Eli F.
<br />Seebirt, Mayor of the City of South Bend, Indiana, on June 26, 1923, the particular tract here-
<br />inbefore described was not a part of the City of South Bend, Indiana, and not within the City
<br />Limits of the City of south Bend, Indiana, Pnd did not become a fart of the City of South Rend,
<br />Indiana, until some time in the year 1926 or 1927.
<br />Your petitioners would further show that at the time*trect was zoned according to the zon-
<br />ing ordinance of the City of South Bend, it could not be ascertained to what particular uae said
<br />land could be edepted for the readon that at -the time it was univerally considered a.s suburban
<br />property, wholly open and undeveloped snd automatically fell into the classifa.ction of "A"
<br />Residential,.Height end Ares District and so remained to this time and at this present time this
<br />particular tract is still wholly open and wholly undeveloped.
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