Councilmen J = :mes moved that the ngi.neeri_ng Depart"2ient be reported fav= -b-.e as amended, Council_ I
<br />m "oti ^n. a rd ' otr ^n carried..
<br />Cour_cll .-n Janes moved thpt the Bu4j1d —a- nen!�rrtment be reported f= vor�-ble !�-s gn,,,erded., Cour. .,ci 7r :,ar_
<br />ilpmvers seconded the �'otior. "otior carried.
<br />Council�_'Ipn Hull proved to -t` the Cene+ery Oena tnnent be rencrted f ^vor -L le ^s amrended, Co-_nci_lm�-n
<br />C, P r._ seconded t e ioti n. `.oticn carried
<br />C ,ancilmpn Chambers _noved. thpt the-Office of r10 -prd of Public Sa=fety and 7l orkd -e r erorted f -vor-
<br />rble es reco.-nended, Councilrmrin Hull se- _nd.ed the "_'.oticn. I- oti ^;, carried.
<br />Councilman Hull moved that the Pol ice Den?rtrnent be reported favcr -bl_e as ernended, 0o.-ncilri2n
<br />Chambers sec ^nded the I"otion. Potion c- rried.
<br />Councilman Jan,ieG moved that the sire Department be retorted favcr. -ble as rmended., Co- jnci1_mar_.
<br />Rap :nuspen sec ^nded the Ilotion. ?Rotion carried.
<br />Councilnrpn Janes ri;oved that the 'Dog Pound. be reported frvcrFble rs a_ :ended, CouncilnPn Rasrrussen
<br />seconded the Moti ^r_.iotion carried.
<br />Council-,,,,n James moved thrt the �Veiqhts and Iler-sures Department be reported f^vorsbl_e as recommen
<br />ed Councilor -r, R smu^sen seconded the Teti -n leotion carried.
<br />Councilman James moved thpt the �lectric7 -1. Der- rt,nent be reported favorable ^s arnerded, Council_-
<br />, -r" Rps Fusser_ seconded the T,Loti ^n. "otion carried.
<br />Coancilm�n Jai-nee moved th=at the Bo -rd of He-1th Office be retorted favorable 4 s pn-,e_nded., Council
<br />man Goetz sec ^nded. the Motion. voti ^n carried.
<br />Cour.cilnnpn Jane- moved th ^t the Iecl,-ti M Hospital_ be rei?orted. favoreble as recon�rerded, Co��nci.l
<br />TnPn Goetz seconded the ?p otion. I'oti. ^n carried.
<br />Counci_lYr?n moved that the Clir_ic be .r_enorteo f- vor -,ble es recoc�,rnended, Co- .rcy�r. - ^a Goetz
<br />seconded the *, ,n �"1,. Bi erg-. gen Chair,n n. Tr_e report 1-n accented -, the
<br />Yo, i, n. otlon c- rrz "ed. ,
<br />cc'ar'cii
<br />To the Ccrnnr,on Co :incil of the CA +y of So ,.th Berd:
<br />Your Co-rmittee of the _,Vho1_e to 7., -or� 7r- .-P referred. an Ordinance fixing the Tux Lev -7 for, the
<br />%e ^r 1c)36 for t -e 'Tuni_cip -:L Civil Ceti of South Bence, L . ^n -. espectful_ly retort tr ^t trey
<br />I
<br />have ex= mined. the natter Pnd that in the -1.r oni.r.l.on the s� d. 0_f-1- -nce sb :� ald be rernrter? faj, =or-
<br />-ble Ps amended..
<br />Courcilrnan Ch, tubers moved th ^t levlJ be reported favorable to Co.Jncil, thpt the levy be
<br />m. Bi erw el., Cr -1 rrn?n. The resort w -s accented. by the Co.j.ncil.
<br />To the Common Coancil of the City of South Bend:
<br />Your Committee of the `r�hole to whom 7,!:-s referred ^rl Ord_in ^nce ratifying ens the
<br />contract entered into between the Bo -rd of Public Safety of the City of 6outn Bend ^nd the Peter
<br />Pirsch rr_d Sore 'o. of Kenos ^, ''isccr�sin, for the purchase of 1,000 Ga.l_lon `'ire En ire, -1ade1
<br />1627 for X11, 20.00 end appropri -ting the stzm of ia3, 750 from the Genet l Fund_ of the City of
<br />South Bend for the down p- yrnent of sa•-L d. Pum -oer. .report t1art they h-ve ex -mined the
<br />matter 2nd that in the i_r opinicn the sa-i.d Ordi.r_ -nce show be reported favorable. W Bierw?gen,
<br />Chi i = _.;1ar.. The report w= s ccept ed. be the Council_ .
<br />ORDIPAN CE NO. 3130 s s .a men ded.
<br />An Ordinance ^nnronri =tins monies for the put; :,ose 'of defy ,,ring the exNenses of the sever-1
<br />de ?art °i,e ,t s of the City of South Bend, Ind.iP - - ") for t=e fiscal �.r beginning Jrru` ry 1, 10362
<br />rnd ending Decernber 31, 1936, includ.in_• all_ co, tr- ctu. ^1 oblignt I.ar_s nr_ fixing a tir:,e when the
<br />same shell take effect.
<br />The Or�inence was ;given its tl-ird reading by title, and wFs placed upon 'its nce- s -7,-�°e and
<br />pe:ssed by the fol..1_ovng vote: Hull, Goetz, I�err.�er Chambers acid Rasmussen voting rye. Bierw ^gen.
<br />Ja-_es, Fish and Palicki voting nay. Ayes 5 NeTTs Gro.'..ner�: e ed.opted..?s -"m�e ded.
<br />ORD?I A'CE I >I0. :3131 as .aver ded
<br />An Ord `n -rce fixing the Tay Levy for the year 103,6 for the '`unicip -�1 Civil Cit,, of Sa_�th
<br />Bend, Indiana.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third read ' nw bit title, and was n7_ ^ced. upon its �?a ssa? e and.
<br />nassed by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Kerner, Chambers _nd Rps-cussen voti.n�• a ,re. BierwP, erg
<br />Janes, Fish an^ Palicki voti "n rev. Ayes 3 I?ays 4. Or ,ra :r_ce rdorted e� herded. L
<br />`Councilr,en James moved. thpt Levy Or (`tin^n:ce be P rer_ded, For Generp- rund from c.634 to X0.5 rnd
<br />Park I`�? inter. ?n -ce Fund from 0.057 to $0.04rz Conncilrne�_ Bi.erwe�en sec ^.nded" the r,otior_..
<br />Co?zncil" :� -n C'r- r_ibers rrcved to 1rnend Levy Ordin -nce For Gener ^l Fu d, from ' S'' to X0.63'' ar_d
<br />Park ,lai.riterar�ce 'Fund from Ay0.0�5 to X0.053,. Cc- " :rnc11_ _,�: n Goetz seconded the ?notian to -mend.
<br />Amerded motion carried.
<br />ORDI_ AYCE NO. 71
<br />An Ordinance r ^tifvinv and approving the cortr -ct entered into bet?rr =er: the Bo -r.d of Pu ^1_ic
<br />Safet�Y of the City of South Berd. ?ru T' ._e Peter Pirsch and Sans Co. of Kenosha, ,isconsin, for. th
<br />purchase of ^ 1,000 Gallon sire Engine, Model 16H for 41- 1,290.00 a=nd atpnropriatinq t--..e surr, of
<br />X3,750 from the C�ener ^1 rIun'. of the City of South Bend for the down r z;r :�.ent of s ^rd. Pumper:
<br />a. P-1_ven its third. reed c , title, and w - nl ^ced_ UPon 1.ts ^_fiPpe ^' C
<br />The OrdlnenCe w_�
<br />passed by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, -bierw,, P -en, J� :-nnes, Kerner, F s , GnamNerc, Ric ussen
<br />a-nd. Pelickil Ayes. 9, llays 0. Ordin -nce zdorted.
<br />ORDIi A_,' +CE 1'O._U33 y
<br />An -nce ruthorizing the sale of certain personal property of the city of South Bend
<br />in vossession of the Department of Public Safety.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third. reeding by title, and w?s placed upon its pessae and
<br />passed" by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierw^gen, J ,,nes, Kerner, Fish, Chambers, R= smussen,
<br />and Palicki, Ayes 9, 'Nays 0. Ordin ^nce adopted. CHA,BERS.
<br />WHEREAS the Northern Indian~ R il�ray, Tnc., now in Receivershib, have fri7ed. to provide - dequate
<br />trar_snortation to the citizens of South Bend, no street ca�rc or buses h?vir.� been operated in
<br />South Bend. subsequent to the morning of Augufit. 17, 1935; ^nd,
<br />WHEREAS such corporation has f?iled. to keen in rep.pir the portion of navernent occupied b-- it's
<br />trpcks; and,
<br />WHEREAS such street car system has likewise f ==fled to pay annu^1 License fee on eacti c�=,r cper tec
<br />in accordance with ag r -ement with tr_e C'ty of South Bend; and,
<br />WHEREAS such frilure has resulted in eytre °ne hardship upon the citizens of South Bend dependant,
<br />upon ouch t ranctiort -t i on service; ^nd,
<br />lqurr -rAS the 'husiress ^I,d profession ^1 interests of South Bend have suffered_ becruse of such lack
<br />of service; and,
<br />WHEREAS it is believed_ thpt fl°nanciplly sour_d
<br />would" be desirous of securing a fr ^nchise from
<br />I
<br />cor?arPtions o-ner=tin� bus systems In ".�r�unici-o -liti s
<br />the City of Sau,'h Bend;
<br />•1
<br />*I
<br />•
<br />.M
<br />0,
<br />•
<br />