THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, t'-apt +'---e Boprd of Public ;forks Ord Safet17 tpke suc'-t steps Ps is deemed
<br />pdvispble to spfe-=rd. the -ronerty P-c9 lives Prd brincr to �n end the -r-sent -o!:7rnl-yss-t!.on of
<br />in this City; '-nd.)
<br />Ij," grT)TATELY BE IT 117SOLITE-D that the Board of Public Worlecs be requested. to T!--ke
<br />F TTR T T--T E 171".," 0 F' F ) - -
<br />survey rnd investigption of the feasibility of the p,,rpntj-ng:,, of ;, frenc-r-lipe (suo-ject to-,-r-orovrl
<br />of the Council) to P fir---nci-jj-,T sound cornorntion for the orer�tion of P bus sy-,te":,-. to -,)r(,-vide
<br />rdeoupte trprs-cort�t4on to t' e citize=s of South Bend; F:-!d,
<br />RESOLVED t1liat notice sh��,ll be served anon the Receiver of the '.Yort-erp
<br />FT� R T 7. R, '0. 71, -F�' BE IT R"
<br />Indipnp Rail -rpy, Inc. to remove it's -properties from tYIe Cit :z of South Bend within -e -neriod of
<br />ninety (9C) drys, the streets of South Bend to be left in = ' 7ood cc-ariditfon of re-ppir after such
<br />removpl, Ps 'before, and to declpre P lien upon such )ro-perty for -7,11 ur,,-),-id t^xes Pnd/or license
<br />fees.
<br />Holm -rd L. Chp-.^bers -
<br />E 111- ,,1-CIL
<br />-U!"BER OF TAE COQ.` -, TO V COU1
<br />Councl 1-p-,n Ch!,,,--,,nberq moved t1-1-L-t the -qal , Tor -pr—loint three -L..embers of t'l,.Ie C— rcil to -meet with the
<br />Street Car and Aj ?bor Union re, o�resentp'tives and to he-r all -o--i-ties concerned -,,lso to insist
<br />tht-t P settlement be res-c-ed 'ritlin ?4 to 4-9 h-,arq. If nrbitrst-11— fails a transport ` (,n
<br />system be -crovided.
<br />Courcilmpn Goetz moved. to rmend the rriott-r th,-t the Street Cp
<br />r --(f, L-bor TT
<br />-rior re-oresentp fives
<br />meet in conference Tuesdp,T August 27t'fi IQ35 A."' to Prb-*Ltr,,te. If the;, -,,")o not core to terns
<br />pithin P4 'h^jjrs the iVl^vor sh!nll Pnroint 3 nrie,,.,-rjberR of the Oolncil to settle the controversitv
<br />as soon ns nossib,le. bouncil�ripn Kerner seconded the motion.
<br />Cn1,)nc11mpn Goetz moved test the Resoluti-n be rlpced on file. �'-.,Ioti-r- carried.
<br />On 7,Toticn, of -001incil-.-,�,n Goetz tine Council Pd-joorned at 10:15 o'clock P. "'.' lloti-^r cprried.
<br />ATTEST
<br />CL7RK(/
<br />T
<br />I DIET- T
<br />YID- T
<br />