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August 26th, 1935 <br />TiT'L?TES <br />REGULAR ?�`_EETING <br />Be it Remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Regular Session in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, -Monday evening <br />hear of - °8 :10 o'clock P. "I:T. All members Present. President Hull nresidea. <br />Moved that t "e Minutes of the last meeting be dispenseA wit hl. Councilra�21 <br />motion. I;lotion carried. <br />STATE BOARD OF TAX.COMMISSIONERS <br />231 State House <br />Indianapolis, Indi.pnp <br />August 16, 193''- <br />+iss 'J'ary B. L. Taylor <br />City Clerk, <br />South Bend.; Ind.ianp <br />Fnd Taxpayers. <br />Indiana, :net in the <br />August 26th, 1935, at <br />Council• n Chambers <br />Jaynes seconded the <br />Please be advised th?t a he?rinp- will be held in the county auditor's office on August ?lst <br />Pt 9:70 A. I' , regardinw additional arrrorr .?t ions for the City of South Bend, St. Joser.h County, <br />Ind; rnp . <br />Yours very truly, <br />STATE BOARD OF TA:11 CO y'ISSIOY71. Q <br />C. A. Ketcham <br />Secretary, <br />The CommunicPtion was accepted and ordered to be Arced on file. IToti ^n carried.. <br />REPORT OF CITY CLTRK' S CERTT.FIC.� TI' OF PROOF OF 'P":TBL- CATI'CI OF ITOTTCE TO TAXPAYERS OF TAX LEVIES. <br />In the M-tter of Determini_nq the Tax Rates for Certain Pu.r-poses by South Be -d, Indian,-. <br />South Bend., Indiana., <br />August 26th, 1935 <br />I, M ry B. L. Taylor, City Clerk of the City of South Bend, Indiar_C, do hereby certify t pt <br />F copy of the attached notice vas published on August 9th and August 16th, 1935 in the tvenirig <br />Editions of the Smith Bend TYeu -s Ti.rnes and the South Bend Tribune of the City- of South Bend, <br />Indiane, also that I have posted notices in the following places, to -wit: <br />In the Corridor of the City Hall, South Bend, Indiana, <br />In the Corridor of the Court House, South Bend., Indiana, <br />In the alley in the rear of the Court House, South Bend, In.di. =na, a.11 being Public <br />Pl.^ces in said City. <br />In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hard end affixed the Seal of the City of South <br />Bend, State of Indian =, this 26th dpy of August, A. D. 1935• <br />(OFFICIAL SEAL) Mary B. L Taylor <br />City Clerk <br />The Report was sccepted by the Council Pnd ordered to be pieced on file. Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF CITY CLERK'S CEPTTFICATE OF PROOF OF POSTING OF ATOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. <br />In the matter determining additional rppropri?tions from the General Fund for the purpose <br />of -ourchasing - Fine Engine., <br />South Bend, Indiana, <br />Au gust 26th, 1937 <br />I, 1'ary B, L. Tatilor, City Clerk of the City of South Bend, Indian^, do herebtr certify <br />that a copy of the attached. notice was published in the South Berd Tribune ?nd the Mirror, two <br />Daily Newspapers, on August 16th and 23rd, 1935, both nub]-.shed in the City of South Bend, <br />Ind.irn.a, ^lso thst I h^ve posted notices in the following nla.ces, to -wit: <br />In. the Corridor of the City Hall, South Bend., tndinn -', <br />In the Corridor of the Court House, South Bend, Indi -na, <br />In the alley in the rear of the Co_3rt House, South Bend, Indiana, all bei.np__� Public <br />Places in sr id `City. <br />In 'Witness Whereof, i have hereunto set my hand and. affixed the Serl of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, this- 26th dad, of ,August A. D. 193'=0 <br />Mere, B. L Taylor <br />(O.FFICIAL SEAL) Uity Clerk <br />The Resort was acce�Dted by the Council ^nd_ ordered to be placed on file. Motion ear -ted. <br />REPORT OF THE C01,FMITTEE OF THT 11T.QLE. <br />To the Common Cc-. nc Il of the ''ity of South Bend: <br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred. and Ordinance approprinti_n raoLies for the <br />purpose of defraying t he expenses of the several_ den- rt:ients of the City of So.;th Bend, Ind.i.a2?a <br />for the fiscal year beginning J- nuaryr 1, 19 ?, and ending f%ecember 31, 1.936, inclu.dinn° all <br />contractual. obligetions and fixing a time when the sane shall t-ke effect. Respectfully report <br />that they have ex ^mined the me tter an6 that in their opinion the said ordinance, should be re -nort- <br />ed f- vorable as aiiended. <br />Councilman Fish moved that the Office of ?..a•yor be reported favorable as recommended, Co..ncilm n <br />Chambers seconded. the lb.Loticn. Motion carried. <br />C ^uncil, -nn Goetz moved. th. -t the Office of Controller be reported favor: Cl_e -s -,mended., Cou: cil- <br />m ^n Rasmussen seconded the llotion. IRotion carried. <br />Councilman James moved that the Office of City; Clerk be reported fr- vor -ble a-s arer.ded, Council - <br />mpn Rasmussen seconded the Motion. ': "otion carried. <br />Councilmars James moved. that the Office of Cit,.; Trey surer be resorted favorable a s amended, <br />Councilman Fish seconded the fiction. Iloti.on c ^rried. <br />Councilman Ch ^r.,ibers moved that the Office of City Judge be retorted fFvor^bl.e as amended, 001-nci <br />m ^n Hull seconded the ,,otion. Motion carried. <br />Coun c lrn -n Chambers moved th -t the Common Council be reported f=-vorebl:e ^s recommended, Co�anci.l- <br />mand Hull secondedthe Potion. Notion cprried.. <br />Councilm. -n Chambers moved that the Den- rtment of Lamy be reported f^pvor-ble ^s recommended, <br />Co- -.ncilman ,Hull seconded the Yotior. Motion c ^rried. <br />Councilman J ^mes moved th ^t the Office of Board of Public forks r - -rd Safety be rerorted _favorable <br />nq amended, Councilman Rasmussen seconded the Votion. ::lotion_ carried. <br />Councilman. Chambers gloved th ^t the Street Debartrnent- Streets, Al.l.evs & Bri.dP_-es be resorted <br />f ^vorrble as amended, Co- ncil-r.<< ^n J -mes seconded. the llioti: -: Voti ^n carried. <br />Councilman Chambers moved th ^t the Street Department- Sewers ce reported fpvorable as amended,. <br />CounoilmPr. Hull. seconded the i-Toti -)n. �',otion c ?rr'..ed. <br />Councilman Chambers moved thpt the Street pep ^rtment - Garbage be resorted favor -ble -s recommend- <br />ed, Councilmen HazLl_ seconded the ` "ot i cn . I"ot icn cr rried . <br />( see tp-'e 320) <br />