This writ
<br />a copy thereof
<br />personally, as
<br />came to hand this 4th dey of February, A.D. 1935 and I served the sAme by leaving
<br />at the last usual place of redidence of such members as I was unable to serve
<br />follows:
<br />George
<br />W. Goetz
<br />On
<br />February
<br />4th,
<br />1935.
<br />George
<br />F. Hull -
<br />On
<br />February
<br />4th,
<br />1935.
<br />William
<br />S. James
<br />On
<br />February
<br />4th,
<br />1935.
<br />Dr. Max
<br />J. Palicki
<br />On
<br />February
<br />4th,
<br />1935.
<br />Gilliam
<br />Bierwagen
<br />On
<br />February
<br />4th,
<br />1935•
<br />Howe rd
<br />L. Chambers
<br />On
<br />February
<br />4th -,
<br />1935.
<br />Guy A.
<br />Fish
<br />On
<br />February
<br />4th,
<br />1935.
<br />William
<br />E. Rasmussen
<br />On
<br />February
<br />4th,
<br />1935.
<br />Fred G.
<br />Kerner -
<br />On
<br />February
<br />4th,
<br />1935•
<br />Dated this 4th day of February, A.D.., 1935•
<br />Wilson & Kline
<br />The Report of the Call was accepted by the Council. Motion carried.
<br />The Common _Council of the City of South Bend:
<br />your Committee of the Whole to'whorm was referred An Ordinance authorizing the Borrowing
<br />of $50,000.00 for the purpose of defraying the Cityl-s Portion of the expense of acquiring a.
<br />right -of -way which would open the territory.of North Michigan Stteet from North Shore Drive
<br />North to the City Limits of South Beno, and the sale of Bonds therefor. Respectfully report that
<br />they have examined the matter and that in their opinion the said Ordinance shoulf be reported
<br />Favorable. William Bierwagen, Chairman. The report was accepted by the Council.
<br />An Ordinance Authorizing the borrowing of $50,000.00 f0a the purpose of defraying the City's
<br />Portion of the expense of acquiring a Right- of -Wey which would open the territory of North
<br />Vichigan Street from North Shore Drive North to the City Limits of South Bend, and the Sale of
<br />Bonds therefor.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title and was placed upon its passage and
<br />passed as amended by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen, Kerner, Fish, Rasmussen, Chamber
<br />and Valicki, Ayes 9, Nays 0 Ordinance adopted.
<br />ORDINANCE N0'3093 _.
<br />An Ordinance tr ^nsferring $1,489.83 from the General Fund to the Department of Public Street
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title, its second reeding in full and on Motion
<br />of Councilman Chambers the Rules were suspended by the following vote: gull, Goetz, Bierwagen,
<br />Kerner, Fish, Rasmussen, Chambers, and Palicki; Ayes Si Nays 0. Rules suspended end Ordinance
<br />goes to third reading.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title, and was placed upon its passage and
<br />passed by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen, Kerner, Fish, Rasmussen, Chambers, and
<br />Palicki, Ayes 9, ;'Nays 0.', Ordinance adopted.
<br />ORDINANCE NO, 3094
<br />An Ordinance appropriating the sum of twenty -one thousand two hundred thirty -four and. 71/100
<br />($21,234.71) dollars -from the General Fund of the City of South Bend, Indiana to the following
<br />Departments: The Street Department, The Board of Public Wiorks, The Cemetery Dep= rtment, The
<br />Sewer Department, The Building Department, The Police Department, The Electric Department, The
<br />Fire Department and Dog Pound.
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title, its second reading in full and on Motion
<br />of Councilman.Kerner the Rules were suspended by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen,
<br />Kerner, Fish,``Resmussen; Chambers, and Palicki; Ayes S, Nays 0. Rules suspended and Ordinance
<br />goes to third reeding.
<br />The Ordinance wes given its third reading by title, and was placed upon its passage and
<br />passed by the following vote: Hull,-Goetz, Bierwagen,- Kerner, Fish, Rasmussen, Chambers, end
<br />Palicki, Ayes S, Nay$ 0. Ordinance adopted.
<br />ORDINANCE ITO. 9_�___,
<br />An Ordinance appropriating the sum of Nine hundred fifty -eight (958.00) Dollars from the
<br />General Fund of the City of South Bend, Indiana to the Department of Public Streets for the pur-
<br />pose of grading.end gravelling North Side Boulevard from the Sample Street Bridge to Logan Street
<br />all in the City of South,Bend, Indiana, and the establishing a certain Fund for-F. E. R. A.
<br />project #B -4.
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title, its second rending in full.and on Motion
<br />of Councilman Rasmussen the Rules were suspended i�y the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen
<br />Kerner, Fish, Res- mussen, Chambers, and Palicki, Ayes S, NeysO. Rules suspended and Ordinance
<br />goes to third reading.
<br />The ordinance was given its third reading by title and was placed upon its passage and
<br />passed by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen, Kerner, Fish, Rasmussen, Chambers, and
<br />Palicki, Ayes S, Nays 0. Ordinance adopted.
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 3096
<br />An ordinance appropriating the sum of $1,056.25 from the General Fund of the City of South
<br />Bend, Indiana to the Department of Public Streets, Fund #1 -12, and creating the said,fund for
<br />F. E. R. A. Special project Numbered fifty- eik�Lt.
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title, its second reading in full and on Motion
<br />of Councilman Bierwagen the Rules were suspended by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen'
<br />Kerner, Fish, Rasmussen, Chembers, and Palicki, .Ayes S, Nays 0. Rules suspended and Ordinance
<br />goes to third reading.
<br />The ordinance was given its third reeding by title and was placed upon its passage and
<br />passed by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen, Kerner, Fish, Rasmussen, Chambers, and
<br />Palicki, Ayes S, Nays 0. Ordinance adopted.
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 3097
<br />An Ordinance appropriating the sum of 9514.00 from the General Fund of the City of South
<br />Bend, Indiana to the Department of Public Streets for the opening up of Elmer Street South of
<br />Varquette Avenue, and- grsding and gravelling said street, same being F. E. R. A. praject Number
<br />3 -B758 and creating a Special Fund for said project in said Depattment.
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title, its second reading in full and on Motion
<br />of Councilman Bierwagen the Rules were. suspended by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen,
<br />Kerner, Fish, Rasmussen, Chambers, and Palicki, Ayes S, Nays 0. Rules suspended and Ordinance
<br />goes to third reading.
<br />The ordinance was giver, its third reading by title and was placed upon its passage and
<br />passed b_y the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen, Kerner, Fish, Rasmussen, Chambers, and
<br />Palicki, Ayes S, Nays -O. Ordinance Adopted.
<br />