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'U74. <br />REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 8, 1982 <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. John Oxian, vice president of <br />the Historic Preservation Commission, made the presentation for the bill. He indicated <br />this structure is a romantic revival /gothic, which is ranked an 11, which means it <br />could easily qualify for national landmark status. He gave a history of the building. <br />Council Member McGann made a motion to recommend this bill to the Council favorable, <br />seconded by Council Member Serge. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 102 -82 A BILL AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 4990 -68, AS AMENDED, COMMONLY <br />KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA (CHAPTER 21, MUNICIPAL CODE) (OSTEOPATHIC HOSPITAL.) <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Gary Stair, assistant director <br />of Area`'Plan, indicated this received a favorable recommendation from Area Plan. <br />Council'Member McGann made a motion to amend this bill by substitution as on file <br />with the City Clerk, seconded by Council Member Crone. The motion carried. David <br />Anderson, associate administrator of the Osteopathic Hospital, indicated that the <br />hospital intends to comply with all suggestions given by Area Plan. He indicated <br />they felt this alternative plan would protect the residential character of the neighborho <br />George Herendeen, attorney representing the Swanson Park Neighborhood Association, <br />indicated the general consensus of the neighborhood association, was that this rezoning <br />was as close as the hospital and the association were going to get. He indicated <br />here was always a fear to go from A to B zoning. Hilton Gramps, 237 S. Tuxedo, read <br />a letter from Margaret Stull, 230 S. Tuxedo, against the rezoning: He indicated he <br />was also against this rezoning. Walter Mcfee, 129 N. Tuxedo; Wilson Parks, 315 S. <br />Tuxedo;..and Lewis Kubiak, 236 Tuxedo, spoke against this rezoning. Council Member <br />Taylor made a motion to recommend this bill to the Council Favorable, seconded by <br />Council Member McGann. The motion carried on a roll call vote of six ayes and three <br />nays (Council Members Serge, Szymkowiak and Harris). <br />Council Member Taylor made a motion to recess, seconded by Council Member McGann. <br />The motion carried and the meeting was recessed at 8:00 p.m., and reconvened at 8:10 <br />p.m. <br />BILL NO. 120 -82 A BILL TO VACATE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: FIRST <br />7' NORTH /SOUTH ALLEY WEST OF AND ADJACENT TO LOT F, JOHN E. <br />WALZ REVISED ADDITION RUNNING SOUTH FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF <br />VACATED DEAN STREET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SHERWOOD STREET. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Harold Silberman, 1228 E. <br />Woodside, indicated this vacation was being sought in order to expand his business, <br />Super Auto Salvage. Council Member Taylor made a motion recommend this bill to the <br />Council favorable, seconded by Council Member Serge. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 121 -82 A BILL TO VACATE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THE <br />FIRST EAST -WEST ALLEY SOUTH OF NAPOLEON STREET, RUNNING <br />EAST FROM FRANCES STREET TO THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY OF THE <br />FIRST NORTH -SOUTH ALLEY IN SORIN'S SECOND ADDITION OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND FOR A DISTANCE OF 165'. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. John Leszczynski, Director of <br />Public Works, indicated that the alley vacation was requested by all abutting property <br />owners. Council Member Taylor made a motion recommend this bill to the Council <br />favorable, seconded by Council Member Serge. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO'. 122 -82 <br />A BILL AMENDING ARTICLE 8 CHAPTER 21 OF THE SOUTH BEND <br />MUNICIPAL CODE REGULATING THE SUB - DIVISION OF LAND. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Gary Stair, assistant director <br />of Area Plan, made the presentation for the bill. He indicated the intent of the <br />bill was to bring the City's sub - division ordinance in compliance with State statutes. <br />He indicated that the major changes were procedural. Council Member Serge made a <br />motion recommend this bill to the Council favorable, seconded by Council Member <br />Szymkowiak. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 123 -82 A BILL TRANSFERRING $5,500.00 FROM ACCOUNT 110.0 SALARIES <br />AND WAGES, REG., TO ACCOUNT 335.0 PROMOTIONAL EXPENSES <br />WITHIN THE MAYOR'S DEPARTMENT WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Joseph Kernan, City Controller, <br />made the presentation for the bill. He indicated that substantial expenses were <br />anticipated for the City events related to the ethanol plant groundbreaking. He <br />indicated this transfer would guarantee that the promotional account will be sufficent <br />for the balance of the year. Council Member Szymkowiak made a motion to recommend <br />this bill to the Council favorable, seconded by Council Member Taylor. The motion <br />carried. <br />BILL NO. 124 -82 A BILL OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 1, SECTION 2 -2 OF THE <br />MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA ENTITLED <br />ADOPTION OF RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL AND <br />POWERS THERETO. <br />