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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 8, 1982 <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Council Member Beck made the <br />presentation for the bill. She indicated that presently there is an informal procedure <br />in effect regarding travel money, however, a written policy would clarify the matter. <br />She made a motion to amend the bill in Sec. 2 -2 (1) after the word request., by <br />adding "with informal Council approval. ", seconded by Council Member Serge. The <br />motion carried. Council Member Taylor made a motion to recommend this bill to the <br />Council favorable, as amended, seconded by Council Member Serge. The motion carried <br />on a roll call vote of five ayes and four nays (Council Members Szymkowiak, Crone, <br />Voorde and McGann.) <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee of the Whole, Council <br />Member Beck made a motion to rise and report to the Council, seconded by Council <br />Member Taylor. The motion carried. <br />ATTEST: <br />City Clerk <br />REGULAR MEETING RECONVENED <br />ATTEST: <br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend reconvenened in <br />the Council Chambers on the fourth floor of the County -City Building at 8:52 p.m. <br />Council President McGann presiding and nine members present. <br />BILLS, SECOND READING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 7122 -82 AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING AND ESTABLISHING AN HISTORIC LANDMARK UN] <br />OLIVER SCHOOL <br />This bill had second reading. Council Member Serge made a motion to pass this bill, <br />seconded by Council Member Beck. The bill passed by a roll call vote of nine ayes. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 7123 -82 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 4990 -68, AS AMENDED, <br />COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA (CHAPTER 21, MUNICIPAL CODE) (OSTEOPATHIC <br />HOSPITAL.) <br />This bill had second reading. Council Member Voorde made a motion to amend this <br />bill, as amended in the Committee of the Whole, seconded by Council Member Crone. <br />The motion carried. Council Member Voorde made a motion to pass the bill, as amended, <br />seconded by Council Member Beck. The bill passed by a roll call vote of seven ayes <br />and two nays (Council Members Serge and Szymkowiak.) <br />ORDINANCE NO. 7124 -82 AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: <br />FIRST 7' NORTH /SOUTH ALLEY WEST OF AND ADJACENT TO LOT F, <br />JOHN E. WALZ REVISED ADDITION RUNNING SOUTH FROM THE SOUTH <br />LINE OF VACATED DEAN STREET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SHERWOOD <br />STREET. <br />This bill had second reading. Council <br />seconded by Council Member Taylor. The <br />ayes. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 7125 -82 <br />Member Serge made a motion to pass this bill, <br />bill passed by a roll call vote of nine <br />AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: <br />THE FIRST EAST -WEST ALLEY SOUTH OF NAPOLEON STREET, RUNNING <br />EAST FROM FRANCES STREET TO THE WEST RIGHT -OF -WAY OF THE <br />FIRST NORTH -SOUTH ALLEY IN SORIN'S SECOND ADDITION OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND FOR A DISTANCE OF 165'. <br />This bill had second reading. Council Member Serge made a motion to pass this bill, <br />seconded by Council Member Taylor. The bill passed by a roll call vote of nine <br />ayes. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 7126 -82 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE 8 CHAPTER 21 OF THE SOUTH <br />BEND MUNICIPAL CODE REGULATING THE SUB - DIVISION OF LAND. <br />This bill had second reading. Council Member Taylor made a motion to pass this <br />bill, seconded by Council Member Serge. The bill passed by a roll call vote of nine <br />ayes. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 7127 -82 AN ORDINANCE TRANSFERRING $5,500.00 FROM ACCOUNT 110.0 <br />SALARIES AND WAGES, REG., TO ACCOUNT 335.0 PROMOTIONAL <br />EXPENSES WITHIN THE MAYOR'S DEPARTMENT WITHIN THE GENERAL <br />FUND. <br />This bill had second reading. Council Member Serge made a motion to pass this bill, <br />seconded by Council Member Szymkowiak. The bill passed by a roll call vote of nine <br />ayes. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 7128 -82 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 1, SECTION 2 -2 <br />OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />ENTITLED ADOPTION OF RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE COMMON <br />COUNCIL AND POWERS THERETO. <br />