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-2- <br />of the study will be on the Community Development Program. One objective of the study <br />will be to compare attitudes of residents who live in community development neighborhood <br />strategy areas with those who live outside these areas. It is a major objective of this <br />study to determine citizen attitudes on a wide range of governmental institutions, <br />projects, and programs and residential perceptions of problems facing different neighbor- <br />hoods. Each of the two primary residential categories will be further divided into two <br />categories based on levels of physical deterioration. <br />The primary units of analysis are: <br />I. C. D. neighborhood strategy areas <br />A. Highly deteriorating areas <br />B. Remainder of area <br />II. Non C. D. target areas <br />A. Transitional areas <br />B. Balance of city <br />Inter -area comparisons and analyses, using appropriate proportions of resident <br />attitudes will attempt to gather the following information: <br />1. In -depth income and housing data of all four areas. <br />2. Attitudes toward individual neighborhoods. <br />3. The ability and inclination of property owners to reinvest in their <br />residential property. <br />4. Attitudes toward total government services and programs. <br />5. Attitudes toward neighborhood organizations. <br />6. Attitudes toward neighborhood level services. <br />7. Information deemed important by city decision - makers. <br />