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of State Road 23 and new Maple Road and at the intersection of <br />State Road 23 and Olive. The City will apply for State funds for the <br />construction of the traffic signals. Should State funds not be made <br />available to the City for this purpose or should the State make funds <br />available to pay only a portion of the cost of construction, the cost <br />of construction or, in the case of receipt of partial funding from <br />the State, the difference between the amount received in State funds <br />and the costs of construction shall be paid by the City. The Common <br />Council of the City shall pass a resolution on October 9, 1981, <br />authorizing the City to apply for State funds. <br />F. The above described off -site improvements to be con- <br />structed by the City shall be initiated and completed consistent <br />with a schedule of construction to be mutually agreed to by the <br />parties within sixty (60) days of the execution of this agreement by <br />all parties. The agreement shall be in writing and shall be in- <br />corporated herein as a part of this agreement. <br />G. None of the construction activities to be conducted by <br />the City as described above in paragraphs A through F, shall be in- <br />itiated prior to the written certification to the City by New Energy <br />of the receipt of its final United States Department of Energy loan <br />guarantee commitment. <br />2. The City, by and through its Board of Public Works, shall <br />pass the needed improvement resolution for the off -site construction <br />activities described in paragraphs 1(A) through 1(E) herein no later <br />than October 9, 1981. A copy of the improvement resolution is <br />attached hereto and incorporated herein as a part of this agreement. <br />3. The City, by and through its Board of Public Works and <br />Common Council, will enter into an agreement with St. Joseph County, <br />Indiana, for the construction and maintenance of new Maple Road. The <br />agreement, to be entered into under the provisions of I.C. 36 -1 -7 -9 <br />and 36- 1 -7 -10, shall provide that a new Maple Road will be con- <br />-5- <br />