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tributed from new Maple Road. It will be constructed from State <br />Road 23 northerly to the intersection of the new Maple Road and <br />Calvert Street. A twenty -four (24) inch storm sewer will be con- <br />structed under Calvert Street along with the necessary inlets to <br />pick up any water falling on or intercepted by Calvert Street. This <br />storm sewer will be constructed to drain westerly to the point of <br />the Calvert Street intersection with new Maple Road.. A forty -eight <br />(48) inch storm sewer will be constructed along the future Calvert <br />Street right -of -way to and under the New Jersey, Indiana and Illinois <br />railroad to a storm retention lagoon. The construction of an outlet <br />structure associated with the retention lagoon will maintain a <br />maximum rate of discharge equal to that which could be expected <br />before the development was initiated. <br />D. Upon the installation of all needed utilities, the City <br />will reconstruct Calvert Street from Olive to the new Maple Road, a <br />total length of approximately twenty -seven hundred (2,700) lineal <br />feet. Calvert Street will be reconstructed to the standards of the <br />City for collector streets, i.e., forty (40) feet back -to -back of <br />curb with an integral curb and will be made of ten (10) inch plain <br />concrete pavement. Demucking as needed to permit the construction <br />will be accomplished. The City will apply for funds from the State <br />of Indiana for the purpose of the reconstruction described herein. <br />Should State funds not be made available to the City for this purpose <br />or should the State make funds available to pay only ,a portion of the <br />cost of reconstruction, the cost of reconstruction or, in the case of <br />receipt of partial funding from the State, the difference between the <br />amount received in State funds and the cost of reconstruction shall <br />be paid by the City. The Common Council of the City shall pass a <br />resolution on October 9, 1981 authorizing the City to apply for State <br />funds. <br />E. Traffic signals will be constructed at the intersection <br />-4- <br />