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Energy to induce New Energy to construct its proposed ethanol pro- <br />duction facility within the City of South Bend. <br />NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty- <br />Five ($25.00) dollars, paid by the City and New Energy unto each <br />other the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and for other <br />good and valuable consideration and the mutual covenants and promises <br />herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: <br />1. The City shall construct the below described off -site im- <br />provements in the described areas surrounding and adjoining the <br />site: <br />A. The City will provide water service to the described <br />site through the installation of needed mains and pipes for the use <br />of New Energy. Water service will be furnished through the con- <br />struction of a twelve (12) inch main connecting to the sixteen <br />(16) inch main that currently exists in Olive Street. A twelve (12) <br />inch main will be constructed in the Calvert Street right -of -way to <br />the point where Calvert Street intersects with that portion of Maple <br />Road to be constructed as described herein. <br />B. The City will provide sanitary sewers to the site <br />through the provision of a twenty (20) inch ductile iron pipe <br />constructed from the existing manhole at the intersection of Olive <br />and Calvert Streets. In Calvert Street the twenty (20) inch dutile <br />iron pipe will be constructed westerly to the Calvert Street right - <br />of -way for a total of twenty -seven hundred (2,700) lineal feet <br />to the site. In the course of the construction of the sanitary <br />sewers as described herein, needed backfill will be provided and <br />dewatering will take place as required. <br />C. The City will construct a thirty -six (36) inch storm <br />sewer in new Maple Road to collect water intercepted by or con- <br />-3- <br />