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1316 COL:,NTY-CITY BUILDING <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 46601-1830 <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND STEPHEN J. LUECKE, MAYOR <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />December 29, 1997 <br />Mr. Richard James <br />835 South Grant Street <br />South Bend, Indiana 46619 <br />RE: Purchase of City -Owned Property <br />841 South Grant Street <br />Dear Mr. James: <br />PHONE219/235-9251 <br />FAx 219/235-9171 <br />TDD 219/235-5567 <br />The Board of Public Works, at its meeting held. December 22, 1997, accepted your bid of <br />$50.00 for the purchase of the City -owned property at 841 South Grant Street. <br />The City Attorney's office has prepared the appropriate Purchase Agreement for this property <br />for your signature. Please sign the Purchase Agreement, and return it to me. <br />In addition, please submit a check to the Board of Public Works, made payable to the City <br />of South Bend, in the amount of , which is $50.00 for the property plus $17.00 in filing fees <br />required of the Auditor's Office and the Recorder's Office for the recording of the Quit Claim Deed <br />for the properties, and $36.42 for the cost of advertising. Once the Purchase Agreement and payment <br />has been returned to me, the Quit Claim Deed will be recorded for this property. I will forward <br />copies of the completed documents to you. <br />If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please call me. <br />Sincerely, <br />Angela . Jacob, Cl k <br />Michelle Engel, Assistant City Attorney <br />JAMES R. CALDWELL M. CATHERINE ROEMER <br />