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LEGAL DEPARTMENT <br />INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM <br />TO: BOARD OF PUBL L <br />FROM: MICHELLE ENGEL <br />RE: RECOMMENDATION SALE OF CITY -OWNED PROPERTY <br />DATE: DECEMBER 22, 1 97 <br />This memo will serve as a recommendation for the sale of city - <br />owned property located at 835 S. Grant, South Bend, Indiana, to <br />Mr. Richard James. In accordance with IC 36-1-11, Mr. James is <br />the highest bidder, with a bid on the property for $50.00. <br />Therefore, having heard no objections from other City <br />Departments, the property should be sold to Mr. James for $50.00. <br />A1'PRO YD <br />Board 0E pttj3'ic Works <br />V <br />