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1316 COUNTY -CITY BUILDING <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIAN,� 46601-1830 <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />BOARD OF <br />Mr. Richard James <br />835 South Grant Street <br />South Bend, Indiana 46619 <br />RE: Purchase of City -owned Property <br />841 South Grant Street <br />Dear Mr. James: <br />STEPHEN J. LUECKE, MAYOR <br />PUBLIC WORKS <br />January 27, 1998 <br />PHONE 219/235-9251 <br />FAA 219/235-9I71 <br />TDD 219/235-5567 <br />The Board of Public Works, at its meeting December 22, 1997, accepted your bid of $50.00 <br />for the purchase of the above referred to property. <br />On December 29, 1997, a Purchase Agreement was mailed to you for your signature, and a <br />request for you to remit a check, cash or money order in the amount of $103.42 for the property. <br />To date, we have not received the remittance nor the Purchase Agreement. Please call me <br />at 235-9251 and let me know if you are still interested in this property. <br />Sincerely, <br />cl, A <br />Angela . acob <br />Clerk <br />Attachment <br />JANfEs R. CALDWELL M. CATHERINE ROEMER <br />