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the Southwest corner of the East one -half of the North <br />one -half of the South one -half of the Northeast one - <br />quarter of said Section 33; Thence, due North a dis- <br />tance of 261.55 feet plus or minus; Thence, due East <br />1320.67 feet plus or minus to a point on the East line <br />of said Section 33 which line is also the centerline of <br />Bendix Drive; Thence, due South along the centerline of <br />Bendix Drive a distance of 3700 feet plus or minus to <br />the North line of Section 3, Township 37 North Range 2 <br />East; Thence, due East along said North Section line a <br />distance of 3000 feet plus or minus to the intersection <br />with the centerline of Elmer Street; Thence, due South <br />along the centerline of Elmer Street to the inter- <br />section with the centerline of Lincolnway West; Thence, <br />in a Southeasterly direction along the centerline of <br />Lincolnway West to the intersection with the centerline <br />of Williams Street; Thence, Southerly along the center- <br />line of Williams Street to the intersection with the <br />centerline of Colfax Avenue; Thence, due East along the <br />centerline of Colfax Avenue to the centerline of the <br />St. Joseph River; Thence, Northerly along the center- <br />line of the St. Joseph River to the intersection with <br />the South line of Section 23, Township 38 North, Range <br />2 East; Thence, due East along said Section line to a <br />point 737 feet plus or minus West of the Southeast <br />corner of said Section 23; Thence, North 573.5 feet; <br />Thence, West 496.5 feet; Thence, North 2073.62 feet <br />plus or minus to the South right of way line of Darden <br />Road; Thence, West along said South right of way line <br />of Darden Road to the intersection with a line parallel <br />to and 10 feet West of North -south centerline of Sec- <br />tion 23, Township 38 North, Range 2 East; Thence, due <br />North along said parallel line a distance of one -half <br />mile plus or minus to the intersection with the center- <br />line of Brick Road; Thence, further due North along a <br />line parallel to and 10 feet West of the North -South <br />centerline of Section 14, Township 38 North, Range 2 <br />East a distance of 1675 feet plus or minus; Thence, due <br />East a distance of 1716 feet plus or minus; Thence, due <br />North 965 feet plus or minus; Thence, due West 1726 <br />feet plus or minus; Thence, due South along the West- <br />erly right of way line of Laurel Road to the inter- <br />section with the South right of way line of Darden <br />Road; Thence, further West along the South line of <br />Darden Road to the East bank of St. Joseph River; Thence, <br />across the river along Southerly edge of Darden Road <br />bridge; Thence, continuing along the South right of way <br />line of Darden Road to a point 658.95 feet plus or <br />minus East of the centerline of Lilac Road; Thence, <br />North a distance of 406.84 feet plus or minus; Thence, <br />West 658.95 feet plus or minus to the East right of way <br />line of Lilac Road; Thence, North a distance of 154.27 <br />feet plus or minus; Thence, West a distance of 980.81 <br />feet plus or minus; Thence, North a distance of 541.44 <br />feet plus or minus; Thence, in a Northwesterly di- <br />rection 28.31 feet plus or minus; Thence, West 541.50 <br />feet plus or minus; Thence, North 1531.02 feet plus or <br />minus to the South right of way line of Brick Road; <br />Thence, West along the South right of way line of Brick <br />Road 759.80 feet plus or minus to a point 20 feet South <br />of the Northwest corner of the Northeast one - quarter of <br />Section 22, Township 38 North, Range 2 East; Thence, <br />South along the North -South centerline of said Section <br />22 a distance of 2639.12 feet plus or minus to the <br />Southwest corner of the Northeast one - quarter of said <br />Section 22; Thence, due East along the East -West cen- <br />terline of Section 22 a distance of 2,285.00 feet plus <br />or minus to the centerline of Lilac Road; Thence, due <br />South along the centerline of Lilac Road a distance of <br />1,820.00 feet plus or minus; Thence, East 520 feet plus <br />or minus; Thence, South 170 feet plus or minus; Thence, <br />West 200 feet plus or minus; Thence, South 220 feet <br />E <br />