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way line of Douglas Road; Thence, due West along the <br />Northerly right of way line of Douglas Road to the <br />intersection with Westerly right of way of Butternut <br />Road; Thence, Southwesterly along a line parallel to <br />and 20 feet Westerly of the following described line to <br />wit: Beginning at a point in the centerline of Butter- <br />nut road; Thence, due South 29 feet to an iron; Thence, <br />S3024'06" W- 251.90 feet to an iron set in concrete; <br />Thence, S 31009150" W- 473.36 feet to an iron; Thence, <br />S1023'50" W- 123.15 feet to an iron, all being a line <br />along the Westerly right of way line of Butternut Road; <br />Thence, South 88046130" West 1,595.58 feet to a point <br />on the West line of Section 32, Township 38 North, <br />Range 2 East which point is 829.00 feet South of the <br />Northwest corner of said Section 32; Thence, further <br />South 88046130" West 1,132.51 feet to a point in the <br />Northeasterly right of way line of the US 31 By -pass, <br />LWW -US 20 intersection; <br />Thence, North 19010'51" West 1,654.59 feet along the <br />limited access right of way line of the Northeast ramp <br />of the US 31 By -pass to a point 603.50 feet more or <br />less South of the North line of the South one -half of <br />the Southeast one - quarter Section 30, Township 38 North, <br />Range 2 East which point is 210 feet to the right of a <br />PCC at Station 22t10 of the survey line of said Northeast <br />ramp; Thence, Westerly at right angles to Line "M" <br />which line is the centerline of the US 31 By -pass a <br />distance of 420 feet more or less to a point in the <br />limited access right of way line of the Northwest ramp <br />of said US 31 By -pass; Thence, Southerly and Westerly <br />along the limited access right of way line of said <br />Northwest ramp of the US 31 By -pass to a point at (Sta- <br />tion 34t00 Line "S- USR20 -M ") which point is 120 feet <br />Northeasterly measured at right angles to said Line "S- <br />USR20-M"; Thence, Southwesterly a distance of 250 feet <br />measured at right angles to said line "S- USR20 -M" to a <br />point at Station 34t00 line "S- USR20 -M" in a limited <br />access right of way line of the Southwest ramp of said <br />US 31 By -pass which point is 130 feet distance of said <br />Line ( "S- USR20 -M") measured at right angles; Thence, <br />Southeasterly and Southerly along the limited access <br />right of way line of the Southwest ramp of said US 31 <br />By -pass to a point 150 feet to the left of Station <br />35t00 on "Line'M" at the centerline of the US 31 By- <br />pass;Thence, Easterly a distance of 320 feet to a point <br />in the limited access right of way line of the South- <br />east ramp of the said US 31 By -pass and 170 feet to the <br />right of Station 35t00 Thence,; Northerly and North- <br />easterly along the limited access right of way line of <br />the Southeast ramp of the said US 31 By -pass to a point <br />160 feet to the right of Station 65t00 on line "S- <br />USR20-M" Thence,; Northeasterly a distance of 300 feet <br />along a line measured at right angles to said line "S- <br />USR20-M" to a point 150 feet to the left of Station <br />65t00 which point is in Northerly limited access right <br />of way line of USR20 Thence,; Southeasterly along the <br />Northerly limited access right of way line of USR 20 to <br />the intersection with the common boundary line of Ger- <br />man and Portage Townships; Thence, due North along the <br />boundary line of German and Portage Townships a dis- <br />tance of 1925 feet plus or minus to the centerline of <br />Progress Drive Thence,; due East along the centerline <br />of Progress Drive to the intersection with the center- <br />line of Sheridan Avenue; Thence, due North a distance <br />of 550 feet plus or minus to the Northwest corner of <br />the South one -half of the South one -half of the North- <br />east one - quarter of Section 33, Township 38 North, <br />Range 2 East; Thence, due East along the North line of <br />the South one -half of the South one -half of the North- <br />east one - quarter of Section 33, Township 38 North, <br />Range 2 East a distance of 1320 feet plus or minus to <br />3 <br />