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plus or minus; Thence, West 350 feet plus or minus; <br />Thence, South 450 feet plus or minus to the centerline <br />of Cleveland Road; Thence, East 600 feet plus or minus; <br />Thence, North 550 feet plus or minus; Thence, East 300 <br />feet plus or minus; Thence, South 30 feet plus or minus; <br />Thence, East 350 feet plus or minus; Thence, South 470 <br />feet plus or minus to the centerline of Cleveland Road; <br />Thence, West along the centerline of Cleveland a distance <br />of 200 feet plus or minus to the West property line of <br />the Wastewater Treatment Plant extended; Thence, South <br />to the Southerly right of way line of the Toll Road; <br />Thence, Westerly along the said Southerly line of the <br />Toll Road to a point on the South right of way line of <br />the Indiana East -West Toll Road, said point being the <br />intersection of the East line of the Northwest one - <br />quarter of the Northwest one - quarter of Section 27, <br />Township 38 North, Range 2 East, and said South right <br />of way line of the Toll Road, the point of beginning. <br />(2) Second District <br />Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of <br />Western Avenue and William Street in the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana; Thence, North along the centerline of <br />William Street to the intersection with the centerline <br />of Lincolnway West; Thence, Northwesterly along the <br />center line of Lincolnway West to the intersection with <br />the centerline of Elmer Street; <br />Thence, North along the centerline of Elmer Street to <br />the intersection with the centerline of Elwood Avenue; <br />Thence, West along the centerline of Elwood Avenue to <br />the intersection with the centerline of Bendix Drive <br />(Maple Road); Thence, North along the centerline of <br />Bendix Drive (Maple Road) to a point approximately <br />1,700 feet more or less south of the intersection of <br />Lathrop Street (Douglas Road) and Bendix Drive (Maple <br />Road); Thence, Due West 1,320.67 feet plus or minus; <br />Thence, due South 261.55 feet plus or minus; Thence, <br />due West 1,320.00 feet plus or minus; Thence, due South <br />550.00 feet plus or minus to the intersection with the <br />centerline of Progress Drive; Thence, Westerly along <br />the centerline of Progress Drive approximately 1,320 <br />feet plus or minus; Thence, due South along the common <br />boundary line of Portage and German Townships to the <br />intersection with the centerline of Lincolnway West; <br />Thence, Northwesterly along the centerline of Lincoln - <br />way West to the intersection with the Easterly right of <br />way line of SR 123 (Mayflower) Road extended; Thence, <br />Southerly along the Easterly right of way line of SR <br />123 (Mayflower) Road extended, and said Easterly right <br />of way line to the intersection with the centerline of <br />Keller Street; Thence, due East along the centerline of <br />Keller Street to the intersection with the centerline <br />of proposed Glenn Street; Thence, due North along the <br />centerline of proposed Glenn Street to the intersection <br />with the centerline of Lincolnway West; Thence, South- <br />easterly along the centerline of Lincolnway West to a <br />point approximately 250 feet East of the German Portage <br />boundary line ; Thence, due South approximately 250 <br />feet plus or minus; Thence, due West 198.45 feet plus <br />or minus; Thence, due South 428.31 feet plus or minus <br />to the centerline of Elwood Avenue; Thence, due West <br />along the centerline of Elwood Avenue to the inter- <br />section with the Westerly property line of the Dickin- <br />son Middle School extended; Thence, due South to the <br />centerline of Grove Street; Thence, due East along the <br />centerline of Grove Street to the intersection with the <br />centerline of Woodland Avenue; Thence, due South along <br />the centerline of Woodland Avenue to the Northerly <br />right of way line of the Penn Central Railroad; Thence, <br />in a Westerly direction along the Northerly right of <br />5 <br />