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along the West right of way line of Mayflower Road to <br />the point of intersection with the South right of way <br />line of Brick Road; Thence, West along the South right <br />of way line of Brick Road to a point on the East line <br />of the Northwest one - quarter of the Northwest one - <br />quarter of Section 20; Thence, South along the said <br />East line of the Northwest one - quarter of the Northwest <br />one - quarter of Section 20 a distance of 220 feet; Thence, <br />Due West 200 feet; Thence, due north 220 feet to the <br />South right of way line of Brick Road; Thence, due West <br />along the South right of way line of Brick Road to a <br />point on the East line of the West one -half of the West <br />one -half of the Northwest one - quarter of said Section <br />20; Thence, due South along said East line of the West <br />one -half of the West one -half of Northwest one - quarter, <br />Section 20 to the point of intersection with the Northerly <br />right of way line of the new Cleveland Road; Thence, <br />Northwesterly along said Northerly right of way line of <br />the new Cleveland Road to a point 170.85 feet South of <br />and 346.46 feet East of the northwest corner of Section <br />20, Township 38 North, Range 2 East; Thence, due North <br />a distance of 150.85 feet to the South right of way <br />line of Brick road; Thence, due West along the south <br />right of way line of Brick Road to the West line of <br />Section 20, Township 38 North, Range 2 East; Thence, <br />North along the West line of said Section 20 to the <br />Northwest corner of said Section 20; Thence, further <br />North to the Southeast corner of Section 18, Township <br />38 North, Range 2 East; Thence, Northerly along the <br />East line of said Section 18 a distance of approximately <br />2640 feet more or less (one -half mile) to the East /West <br />centerline of said Section 18; Thence, due West along <br />the East -West centerline of Section 18, Township 38 <br />North, Range 2 East to a point of intersection with the <br />Westerly right of way line of the U.S. 31 By -pass; <br />Thence, Southerly and Westerly along said Westerly <br />right of way line of the U.S. 31 By -pass and the northerly <br />right of way line of Brick Road to the point of intersection <br />with the East right of way line of Olive road extended <br />North; Thence, South along the extended East right of <br />way line and the East right of way line of Olive Road a <br />distance of 2600 feet more or less to the South right <br />of way line of the Indiana East -West Toll Road; Thence, <br />Easterly along the Southerly right of way line of the <br />Indiana East -West Toll Road to the point of intersection <br />with the North -South centerline of Section 19, Township <br />38 North, Range 2 East a distance of approximately 1320 <br />feet more or less; Thence, due South along the North - <br />South centerline of said Section 19 to the south line <br />of said Section 19; Thence, further due South along the <br />North -South centerline of Section 30, Township 38 North, <br />Range 2 East to the intersection with the East -West <br />centerline of said Section 30; Thence, due East along <br />the East -West centerline of said Section 30 to the East <br />line of said Section 30; Thence, further due East along <br />the East -West centerline of Section 29, Township 38 <br />North, Range 2 East to the East line of the West one - <br />half of the West one -half of the Northwest one - quarter <br />of said Section 29; Thence, due North along said East <br />line of the West one -half of the West one -half of the <br />Northwest one - quarter of said Section 29 to the North <br />line of said Section 29; Thence, due East along the <br />North line of said Section 29 to the point of inter- <br />section with the North -South centerline of said Section <br />29; Thence, due South along the North -South centerline <br />of Section 29, Township 38 North, Range 2 East to a <br />point 1804.88 feet North of the South line of said <br />Section 29; Thence, due East a distance of 89.71 feet; <br />Thence, due South along a line parallel to and 89.71 <br />feet East of the North -South centerline of said Section <br />29 to a point 20 feet North of the South line of said <br />Section 29, which point is on the northerly right of <br />2 <br />