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City Limits due East along the centerline of Jackson <br />Road a distance of 200 fet; Thence, due South along a <br />line 200 feet East of and parallel to the centerline of <br />Ironwood Road (Drive) to the intersection with the <br />North line of South one -half of Section 31, Township 37 <br />North, Range 3 East extended East; Thence, West a distance <br />of 460 feet plus or minus; Thence, South 100 feet; <br />Thence, East 260 feet plus or minus to the centerline <br />of Ironwood; Thence, South along the centerline of <br />Ironwood a distance of 1720 feet; Thence, West a distance <br />of 330 feet; Thence, South a distance of 497.63 feet; <br />Thence, West along a line parallel with the centerline <br />of Kern Road to the intersection with the rantarl;na of <br />York Road; Thence, South along the centerline of York <br />Road and the centerline of York Road extended South to <br />a point 250 feet South of the centerline of Kern Road; <br />Thence, West along a line 250 feet South of and par- <br />allel to the centerline of Kern Road to a point 250 <br />feet West of the centerline of Miami Road; Thence, <br />North along a line 250 feet West of and parallel to the <br />centerline of Miami Road to the centerline of Jackson <br />Road; Thence, West along the centerline of Jackson Road <br />to the intersection with the centerline of Carroll <br />Street; Thence, North along the centerline of Carroll <br />Street to the centerline of Hartman Avenue; Thence, <br />West along the centerline of Hartman Avenue to the <br />intersection with the South boundary line of the U.S. <br />31 By -Pass and interchange; Thence, Southwesterly and <br />Northwesterly and Westerly along the Southerly right of <br />way line of the U.S. 31 (South) By -pass and interchange <br />to the intersection with the North -South centerline of <br />Section 26, Township 37 North, Range 2 East; Thence, <br />North along the North -South centerline of Section 26, <br />Township 37 North, Range 2 East, to the intersection <br />with the North right of way line of the U.S. 31 By- <br />pass; Thence, Westerly along the North right of way of <br />the U.S. 31 By -pass to the East right of way line of <br />the Penn Central Railroad; Thence, Northeasterly along <br />said East right of way line to the intersection with <br />the North -south centerline of Section 26, Township 37 <br />North, Range 2 East; Thence, due North along the North - <br />South centerline of said Section to the intersection <br />with the centerline of Chippewa Avenue; Thence, East <br />along the centerline of Chippewa Avenue to the inter- <br />section with the centerline of Lafayette Street ex- <br />tended; Thence, South along the centerline of Lafayette <br />Street, extended to the South boundary line of Portage <br />Township; Thence, East along the South boundary line of <br />Portage Township to the intersection with the center- <br />line of Main Street; Thence, North along the centerline <br />of Main Street to the intersection with the centerline <br />of Ewing Avenue; Thence, East along the centerline of <br />Ewing Avenue to the intersection with the centerline of <br />High Street; Thence, South along the centerline of High <br />Street to the intersection with the centerline of Alt - <br />geld; Thence, East along the centerline of Altgeld to <br />the intersection with the centerline of Twyckenham <br />Drive; Thence, North along the centerline of Twyckenham <br />Drive to the intersection with the centerline of Cal- <br />vert Street; Thence, East along the centerline of Cal- <br />vert Street to the intersection with the centerline of <br />Ironwood Drive and the point of beginning. <br />(6) Sixth District <br />Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of <br />Broadway with the centerline of Fellows Street in the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana; Thence, North along the <br />centerline of Fellows Street to the intersection with <br />the centerline of Sample Street; Thence, East and Northeasterly <br />along the centerline of Sample Street and the Cooper <br />