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the centerline of Michigan Central Railroad right of <br />way running along the Easterly property line of North <br />Shore Woods; Thence, Northerly along the centerline of <br />the Michigan Central Railroad right of way to the North <br />property line of the North Shore Woods Apartments de- <br />velopment; Thence, West to the centerline of the St. <br />Joseph River; Thence, Southeasterly along the center- <br />line of the St. Joseph River to the intersection with <br />the centerline of Colfax Avenue; Thence, West along the <br />centerline of Colfax Avenue to the centerline of Wil- <br />liam Street; Thence, South along the centerline of <br />William Street to the centerline of Wayne Street; Thence, <br />East along the centerline of Wayne Street to the centerline <br />of St. Joseph Street; Thence, Southwesterly along the <br />centerline of St. Joseph Street to the centerline of <br />Monroe Street; Thence, East along the centerline of <br />Monroe Street to the centerline of Carroll Street; <br />Thence, South along the centerline of Carroll Street to <br />the centerline of South Street; Thence, East along the <br />centerline of South Street to the centerline of Columbia <br />Street; Thence, South along the centerline of Columbia <br />Street to the centerline of Bronson Street; Thence, <br />East and Northeast along the centerline of Bronson <br />Street and the centerline of Bronson Street extended to <br />the intersection with the centerline of the St. Joseph <br />River; Thence, Southerly along the centerline of the <br />St. Joseph River to the intersection with the centerline <br />of the Cooper Bridge, the point of beginning. <br />(5) Fifth District <br />Beginning at a point that is the intersection of the <br />centerline of Calvert Street and the centerline of <br />Ironwood Drive; Thence, South along the centerline of <br />Ironwood Drive a distance of approximately 2,640 feet <br />to the intersection with the North line of the South <br />one -half of the Northwest one - quarter of Section 20, <br />Township 37 North, Range 3 East (Penn Township); Thence, <br />East along the said North line of the South half of the <br />northwest one - quarter of Section 20 to the North -South <br />one -half section line of said Section 20; Thence, South <br />along said North -South one -half section line a distance <br />of 2,640 feet more or less to the Northeast corner of <br />the Southeast one - quarter of the Southwest one - quarter <br />of said Section 20; Thence, West a distance of 1,500 <br />feet more or less; Thence, South a distance of 436 feet <br />more or less; Thence, West 1,320 feet more or less to a <br />point 180 feet due East of the centerline of Ironwood <br />Road (Drive) (the above - described area being the Topsfield <br />Apartment and Housing Development); Thence, South along <br />a line 180 feet East of and parallel to the centerline <br />of Ironwood Road to a point 1099.86 plus or minus South <br />of the centerline of Inwood Road; Thence, due East <br />810.00 feet plus or minus; Thence, due North 1099.86 <br />feet plus or minus to the centerline of Inwood Road; <br />Thence, due East along said centerline a distance of <br />1,648.04 feet plus or minus; Thence, due South 1,326.02 <br />feet plus or minus; Thence, due West 992.58 feet plus <br />or minus; Thence, due South 1321.20 feet plus or minus <br />to the intersection with the centerline of Ireland <br />Road; Thence, West 664.66 feet plus or minus along the <br />centerline of said Ireland Road; Thence, North 1318.21 <br />feet plus or minus; Thence, West 810.00 feet plus or <br />minus to a point 180 feet east of the centerline of <br />Ironwood Road and which point is in the present City <br />limits; Thence, due South along present City Limits to <br />a point which is 420.42 feet plus or minus North of the <br />centerline of Ireland Road and the present City limits; <br />Thence, meandering Southerly along the present City <br />Limits to the intersection of the centerlines of Ironwood <br />and Jackson Road; Thence, continuing along the present <br />9 <br />