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(5) Reset and reconnect fees ......................4.00 <br />(6) Miscellaneous inspection fee, each ............ 5.00 <br />(7) Re- inspection fee, each ......................10.00 <br />(Said fee shall be in addition to the regular fee) <br />(8) Illuminated signs projecting over public property: <br />(A) Permit fees for new signs shall be calculated at a <br />rate of thirty cents ($0.30) per square foot of each <br />face measured on skeleton framework. <br />(B) Permit fees for signs flat against a building shall be <br />calculated at a rate of thirty cents ($0.30) per <br />square foot measured as total area of the display <br />surface. <br />(C) All installations of new billboards shall require <br />a permit with a billboard fee of twenty -five dollars <br />($25.00). <br />(c) If the exact number of circuits or horsepower is <br />unknown at the time of application for a permit, a permit may be taken <br />for the minimum amount known with correction to be made at the time <br />the work is completed. <br />Section 6 -25. Inspections. <br />(a) All electrical wiring and equipment installations and <br />alterations requiring a permit shall be inspected by the electrical <br />inspector. The permit holder shall notify the electrical inspector <br />at least 24 hours in advance of the time the work is ready for <br />inspection. If the work does not pass inspection, a reinspection fee <br />of Ten ($10.00) Dollars shall be charged for each future inspection <br />of that stage of work. <br />(b) When any electrical wiring or equipment will be hidden <br />from view by the permanent placement of parts of the building or <br />structure, the permit holder shall notify the electrical inspector <br />when that stage of work is completed and shall not conceal the work <br />until it has been inspected and approved by the electrical inspector; <br />provided, that on large installations where the concealment of wiring <br />or equipment proceeds continuously, the permit holder shall give the <br />electrical inspector 24 hours notice, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, <br />and holidays, and the electrical inspector shall make inspections <br />periodically during the progress of the work. <br />(c) Upon finding the installation or alteration of <br />electrical wiring or equipment to be in conformity with the <br />provisions of the Indiana Electrical Rules and of the Building Code, <br />the electrical inspector shall issue to the permit holder a <br />certificate of approval, with a duplicate copy for delivery to the <br />owner, authorizing the use of the installation or alteration and <br />connection to the supply of electricity. In addition, the electrical <br />inspector shall send written notice of such certificate to the <br />electric utility. <br />(d) When the electrical inspector issues a certificate of <br />approval authorizing the connection and use of a temporary <br />installation, the certificate shall be issued to expire at a time to <br />be stated therein. The electrical inspector may revoke temporary <br />installation certificates of approval, in compliance with Section 6- <br />21. <br />Section 26 through 35 are reserved for future use. <br />SECTION IX. Chapter 6, Article 7 of the South Bend <br />Municipal Code is deleted it in its entirety, and a new Article 7 is <br />adopted, as follows: <br />-15- <br />