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09-08-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
09-08-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING <br />SEPTEMBER 8, 2003 <br />Residential, "A" Height and Area and land in Mishawaka zoned "S -2" Planned Unit Development. <br />To the south is land in South Bend zoned "A" Residential , "A" Height and Area. To the east is <br />vacant land in the county zoned "R" Residential. To the west is vacant land in South Bend zoned <br />"A" Residential, "A" Height and Area. The land located in South Bend north of the site is zoned <br />"A" Residential but has a rezoning pending to "C" Commercial. Access to the site is from a <br />common access drive off of Douglas Road. Access to the property to the south will still have to be <br />provided. Water and sewer are available to the site. The drainage has been addressed by the <br />Petitioner. The total site to be rezoned is 1.28 acres. Of that, the buildings will occupy 7.1 per cent <br />of the site, parking and drives will occupy 62.5 per cent of the site and open space will occupy 30.4 <br />per cent of the site. A check of the Agency's maps indicates that no public wells, wetlands, or flood <br />areas are present. The Uniroyal Superfund Site is located near the petition area. The site plan is <br />preliminary. The City Engineer needs to see a final site plan before construction can begin. The <br />Area Plan Commission, based on its Public Hearing held on August 19, 2003, sent this petition to <br />the Common Council with a favorable recommendation subject to a final site development plan. In <br />April of 2003 the zoning on this property reverted from "O" Office. Given the other commercial <br />uses and zoning in the immediate area, the Commission staff feels that the proposed rezoning is <br />proper for this site. <br />Mr. Mike Danch, Danch, Hamer & Associates, 2422 Viridian Drive, Suite 201, South Bend, <br />Indiana, representing the Petitioner, Mr. Richard LaFree and the Contingent Purchasers, Mark and <br />Debbie Shubert, made the presentation for this bill. <br />Mr. Danch advised that this rezoning is for property in the 3500 block of Douglas Road. The site <br />plan shows one single building which will be a two (2) level structure. One (1) access will be off <br />of Douglas Road where the existing drive is located. The building itself will contain eight thousand <br />(8,000) square feet. Of that, three thousand (3,000) feet will contain a retail space and the remaining <br />portion of the building will be for a small dance studio. The building is located toward the western <br />portion of the site. The site plan shows parking for eighty -six (86) spaces. He noted that the South <br />Bend Zoning Ordinance requires a dance studio to be based on the maximum design capacity of the <br />building itself. Even though this will be a small dance studio, it would still require almost one <br />hundred (100) spaces. Therefore, they hope to get a variance from the South Bend Board of Zoning <br />Appeals for this dance studio and get the requirement down to approximately sixty (60) spaces. Mr. <br />Danch advised that the proposed building will be connected to municipal water and sewer from the <br />City of Mishawaka that is already adjacent to the site and runs along Douglas Road. The site plan <br />shows extensive screening which is required by the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South Bend. <br />It will be provided along the west, south and east lines of the property. All the site improvements <br />will meet latest City of South Bend drainage standards. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />There being no one present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor of or in opposition to this <br />bill, Councilmember Varner made a motion for favorable recommendation to full Council <br />concerning this bill. Councilmember Kirsits seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of <br />eight (8) ayes. <br />1 <br />Ll <br />M <br />
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