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09-08-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
09-08-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 2003 <br />on fifty -eight (5 8) lights. She further stated that there are dead trees on the bridge to nowhere. Also, <br />there are seventeen (17) dead trees on Miami Street and twenty -six (26) dead trees outside the Water <br />Works on Main Street. Ms. Boaler talked about the recent storm damage noting that the City <br />removed all the branches from the tree lawn but left the trunks upright on the treelawn. In <br />Blackthorn, lights burn every eight (80) paces and in Twyckenham Hills they have maybe one (1) <br />every three (3) blocks. She was told that sewage, water and hydrants to the Carriage House on <br />Adams Road are to enable future annexation and noted that the City is expending this money there <br />and is not taking care of the sewers in the City. Ms. Boaler informed the Council that there are <br />eleven (11) hydrants on Olive Road and eight (8) on Adams. Mayor Luecke advised her that all of <br />this would be paid for from the TIF District. She noted however that there are many empty <br />buildings in that district. Ms. Boaler stated that the City is wasting an enormous amount of money <br />in this community and it is shameful that with the times so hard for the local citizens there is talk <br />about increasing taxes and not lowering them. <br />There was no one else present wishing to speak in opposition. <br />In rebuttal, Mayor Luecke stated that Oliver School was no longer owned by the South Bend <br />Community School Corporation but was owned by someone who had no resources to either fix it <br />up or tear it down. After much consultation with the neighbors and support from the district <br />Councilmember, it was felt that it was an appropriate investment for the City to tear down a <br />dangerous building. It is expected that there will be future development at that site. In regards to <br />the Hall of Fame positions listed in the budget, that will be dealt with when that ordinance comes <br />up. It was an oversight and the City is not paying for those positions. There are no budgeted dollars <br />for these positions and they will be amended out of the salary ordinance. Mayor Luecke stated that <br />many of the expenditures raised by Mrs. Boaler have to do with capital expenditures and that is not <br />being covered in the budget tonight. He stated that he would disagree with the characterization of <br />the new distribution center at Olive and Sample. It will be the site of hundreds of new jobs that are <br />important for this community and will stir additional investment in the community as well. <br />Councilmember Aranowski thanked City Controller Rick 011ett and his staff for all their work as <br />well as department heads for meeting the guidelines that were set out and for the presentations that <br />have been completed. He noted that the Council looks forward to going through the budget hearings <br />the rest of the week. <br />Councilmember Aranowski made a motion that substitute Bill No. 64 -03 and Bill Nos. 65 -03 and <br />66 -03 be continued in the Council portion only and be set for Third Reading on September 22, 2003. <br />Councilmember Varner seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of eight (8) ayes. <br />BILL NO. 51 -03 PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL AMENDING THE <br />ZONING ORDINANCE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN <br />THE 3500 BLOCK OF EAST DOUGLAS ROAD, IN THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />Councilmember Kuspa, Chairperson, Zoning & Annexation Committee, reported that this <br />committee held a Public Hearing on this bill this afternoon and sends it to the Council with a <br />favorable recommendation. <br />
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