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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 2003 <br />Councilmember Kuspa made a motion to amend the title of this bill by adding the word "West" <br />between 608 and Calvert. Councilmember Varner seconded the motion which carried by a voice <br />vote of eight (8) ayes. <br />Mr. Jeff Myers presented the Area Plan Commission report. <br />Mr. Myers advised that the Petitioner is requesting a zone change from "D" Light Industrial, "A" <br />Height and Area to `B" Residential, `B" Height and Area to rent out the present three (3) apartment <br />units and convert the front space to a fourth apartment unit. The property contains a vacant building <br />which has previously been used as a mix use of commercial and residential. Located to the north <br />are single family homes and a mixed use building zoned "A" Residential, "A" Height and Area. <br />Located to the south and east are single family homes zoned "A" Residential, "A" Height and Area. <br />To the west are single family homes and a commercial building zoned "D" Light Industrial, "A" <br />Height and Area. Access to the site is from Calvert Street. Water and sewer are available to the site. <br />The drainage has not been addressed by the Petitioner. The total site to be rezoned is four thousand <br />eight hundred (4,800) square feet. Of that, the buildings will occupy 35.5 per cent of the site. <br />Parking and drives will occupy 64.5 per cent of the site. There is no open space. A check of the <br />Agency's maps indicates that no public wells, wetlands, flood or environmental hazard areas are <br />present. The site plan is preliminary. The City Engineer advised that a drainage plan is required at <br />the final site plan stage. Also, the roof drains will need to be disconnected from the combined sewer. <br />The Area Plan Commission, based on its Public Hearing held on August 19, 2003, sent this Petition <br />to the Council with a favorable recommendation subject to a final site development plan. This <br />proposed use is significantly less intense than what is allowed under the current zoning of "D" Light <br />Industrial. Furthermore, this building is abandoned and in disrepair. This petition will hopefully <br />improve a negative aspect of the community. <br />Mr. Keith Kurowski, 13 8 01 Green Meadow Court, Granger, Indiana, made the presentation for this <br />bill. <br />Mr. Kurowski advised that he is the current owner of this property and it is his intention to rezone <br />it from "D" Light Industrial to "A" Residential in order to use it as a rental property. He stated that <br />it will revitalize this street and serve a purpose by offering housing to the people in this area. The <br />property has been vacant for the last one and one half (1 %2) years and needs a lot of work on which <br />he has already started. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />There being no one present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor of or in opposition to this <br />bill, Councilmember Varner made a motion for favorable recommendation to full Council <br />concerning this bill as substituted and amended. Councilmember Pfeifer seconded the motion. <br />Councilmember Kuspa noted that it is nice to see an empty building or buildings that have not been <br />used for years being put back into service and this will be a very nice asset to the neighborhood and <br />he supports this effort. <br />The motion carried by a voice vote of eight (8) ayes. <br />