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furniture and household goods, or the furniture and equipment and <br /> goods, wares and merchandise of a business in either of which <br /> events the operator of such truck will have a reasonable time in <br /> which to complete his loading or unloading and move his truck. <br /> 20-109 Exceptions. <br /> The provisions of this article do not apply to vehicles operating <br /> upon tracks or carrying passengers for hire, operating by or <br /> under a permit or license of the Public Service Commission of the <br /> State or of the Interstate Commerce Commission of the United <br /> States. <br /> Section 20-109. 5. Signs . <br /> The Bureau of Traffic and Lighting is hereby authorized <br /> to cause all streets and portions thereof established and designed <br /> by this Article as truck routes to be clearly marked or signposted <br /> at their intersections with other truck routes or boundary lines <br /> of the City with appropriate signs displaying in letters not less <br /> than four ( 4) inches in height the words "TRUCK ROUTE. " <br /> Section 20-109. 7. Penalties. <br /> (a) Any person found in violation of any provision of <br /> this article shall be fined not less than fifty dollars ( $50. 00) <br /> for the first offense , no less than one hundred dollars ( $100. 00) <br /> for the second offense , and not less than two hundred fifty <br /> dollars ( $250. 00) for the third or subsequent offense , with a <br /> citation being issued for each violation. <br /> ( b) In addition to the citation procedure, a fine up to two <br /> thousand five hundred dollars ( $2, 500. 00) may be imposed upon <br /> conviction. <br /> SECTION II. This ordinance shall be in full force and <br /> effect from and after its adoption by the Common Coucil , approval <br /> by the Mayor and legal publication. <br /> WM., <br /> Member of A'e Com ,.n Council <br /> /15-1 <br />