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(ii) Unpaid principal on the Bonds due on, before or <br />within eight (8) months from the date such rental payment becomes <br />due. <br />Any portion of a rental payment remaining after such deposit <br />shall be deposited by the Trustee in the Operation and Reserve Fund <br />provided for in Section 3.03. The Trustee shall from time to time <br />withdraw from such Sinking Fund, or if-the Sinking Fund is not <br />sufficient, then from the Construction Account of the Construction <br />Fund, or if the Sinking Fund and the Construction Account of the <br />Construction Fund are not sufficient, then from the Operation and <br />Reserve Fund created below, and shall deposit in a special trust <br />fund and make available to itself, sufficient moneys for paying the <br />principal of the Bonds at maturity and to pay the interest on the <br />Bonds as the same falls due. <br />Sec. 3.03. There is hereby established and created a fund <br />designated as the 'South Bend Redevelopment Authority Blackthorn <br />Golf Course Project Operation and Reserve Fund." The Operation and <br />Reserve Fund shall be used only to pay necessary incidental <br />expenses of the Authority (e.g. required audits, appraisals, <br />meetings and reports), the payment of principal, interest and <br />redemption premiums of the Bonds herein described upon redemption <br />as authorized by Article IV hereof or the purchase price of Bonds <br />purchased as authorized by Sec. 3.07, and if the amount in the <br />Sinking Fund at any time is less than the required amount, the <br />Trustee shall, without any further authorization, transfer funds <br />from the Operation and Reserve Fund to the Sinking Fund in an <br />amount sufficient to raise the amount in the Sinking Fund to the <br />required amount. Such action by the Trustee shall not constitute <br />a waiver of any other right or remedy the Trustee may have under <br />this Agreement. Incidental expenses shall be paid by the Trustee <br />upon the presentation of an affidavit executed by any two (2) <br />officers of the Authority, stating the character of the <br />expenditure, the amount thereof, and to whom due, together with the <br />statement of the creditor as to the amount owing. The Operation <br />and Reserve Fund may also be used for purposes stated in Section <br />5.11. <br />Sec. 3.04. Pursuant to the written instructions of the <br />Authority, the Trustee shall establish and maintain such fund or <br />funds and take such other actions as may be necessary to enable the <br />Authority to satisfy the requirements of Section 148(f) of the Code <br />and the Arbitrage Regulations; provided, however, that the Trustee <br />shall be under no obligation to make computations of the amount of <br />arbitrage required to be rebated to the federal government of the <br />United States of America. <br />Sec. 3.05. The Trustee shall, at the written direction of <br />the Authority, and subject to Section 5.14, invest all or so much <br />-14- <br />