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the character of the expenditure, the amount thereof, and to whom <br />due, together with the statement of the creditor as to the amount <br />owing. <br />Upon the filing with the Trustee of such Affidavit of Project <br />Completion, which Affidavit of Project Completion shall be set <br />forth on AIA Form No. G704, the Trustee shall: <br />(a) Transfer from the Bond Interest Account of the <br />Construction Fund to the Sinking Fund created by Section 3.02 an <br />amount sufficient to pay principal and interest on the Bonds which <br />the lease rental received pursuant to the Lease hereof will not be <br />sufficient to pay when due; and <br />(b) Transfer the balance, if any, in the Bond Interest <br />Account to the Construction Account. <br />After the filing of said Affidavit of Project Completion, the <br />Trustee shall hold in the Construction Account an amount equal to <br />one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the amount of any disputed <br />claims of contractors and work to be repaired as identified in <br />writing by the Authority to the Trustee, and transfer the <br />unobligated balance of the Construction Account, if any, to the <br />Sinking Fund referred to in Section 3.02 hereof. Any balance <br />remaining in the Construction Account after payment of all disputed <br />claims, claims for repair work, and obligations authorized by <br />Subsection (Third) of Section 5.12 shall be transferred to the <br />Sinking Fund within ten (10) days after the last payment of such <br />obligations. The Trustee shall have no responsibility to see that <br />the Construction Fund is properly applied, except as herein <br />specifically provided. <br />Sec. 3.02. There is hereby established and created a fund <br />designated as the "South Bend Redevelopment Authority Blackthorn <br />Golf Course Project Sinking Fund." The Trustee shall deposit in <br />such Sinking Fund from each rental payment received by the Trustee <br />pursuant to the Lease, an amount equal to the following whichever <br />is less: <br />(a) All of such rental payment; or <br />(b) An amount which, when added to the amount in the Sinking <br />Fund on the deposit date equals the sum of the following amounts: <br />(i) Unpaid interest on the Bonds due on, before or <br />within forty-five (45) days after the date such rental payment <br />becomes due; and <br />-13- <br />