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<br />of the funds as is practicable in Qualified Securities, to the <br />extent and in the manner permitted by law. Investment earnings <br />shall be deposited into the Construction Account until receipt by <br />the Trustee of an Affidavit of Project Completion as provided in <br />Article III, and thereafter, shall be credited to the fund from <br />which the investments were made. The Trustee is authorized to sell <br />any securities so acquired from time to time in order to make the <br />payments authorized in this Agreement. Investment of the Sinking <br />Fund shall mature prior to the time the funds invested will be <br />needed for payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds. <br />Sec. 3.06. Whenever the amounts contained in the Sinking <br />Fund and the Operation and Reserve Fund are sufficient, together <br />with any other funds deposited with the Trustee by the Authority, <br />to redeem, upon the next redemption date, all Bonds secured hereby <br />then outstanding, the Trustee shall apply the amounts in such Funds <br />to the redemption of such Bonds pursuant to Article IV hereof. <br />Sec. 3.07. At the request of the Authority, expressed by <br />a resolution of the Board of Directors, or a copy thereof certified <br />by the Secretary-Treasurer and delivered to the Trustee, the <br />Trustee may remove funds from the Operation and Reserve Fund to be <br />used for the redemption of Bonds, or for the purchase of Bonds if <br />the Authority determines that redemption or purchase of Bonds would <br />be advantageous to the Authority. <br />Sec. 3.08. A pledge of all moneys paid or deposited into <br />the Sinking Fund, and of all rentals paid pursuant to the Lease <br />other than pursuant to Section 3(b) thereof, is hereby made, and <br />the same are hereby pledged to the Trustee to secure the payment <br />of the principal and redemption price of and interest on the Bonds, <br />all to the extent herein provided. The rentals so pledged and <br />hereafter received by the Trustee or Authority, shall immediately <br />be subject to the lien of such pledge without any physical delivery <br />thereof or further act; and the lien of such pledge shall be valid <br />and binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in <br />tort, contract or otherwise against the Authority, irrespective of <br />whether such parties have notice thereof. <br />ARTICLE IV. <br />Redemption of Bonds <br />Sec. 4.01. The Authority shall have the right, at its <br />option, to redeem, according to the procedure hereinafter provided, <br />all or any part of the Bonds secured by this Agreement maturing on <br />or after March 1, 2002, in whole multiples of $5,000, in inverse <br />order of maturities and by lot within maturities, on any date not <br />earlier than March 1, 2001, from any moneys made available for that <br />-15- <br />