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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting -June 25, 2008 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />A. Public Hearing <br />(1) continued... <br />people are against it. That's the way <br />democracy is supposed to work. <br />DIANE ZMYSLO: I am from German <br />Township. I am the President of the <br />neighborhood association. I would just like to <br />know how many of you people have actually <br />done your homework, driven out to <br />Blackthorn or in the area that's in the TIF <br />right now and seen what type of development <br />there is, and how much road. Can I have a <br />show of hands right now? So, you're aware. I <br />mean, you drive through Blackthorn, Mayor <br />Luecke has admitted it's not been successful. <br />We have soccer fields, we have for sale <br />signs, and then we want to expand? Where <br />are these tax dollars going to do? I ask you to <br />please do your homework before you vote. <br />Thank you. <br />LYNN COLLIER: South Bend resident. I <br />guess at this point in time I am interested in, <br />number one, I have been hearing all the <br />disapproval and nobody wants this, and so <br />you're going to vote for it or against it, is that <br />correct? Ms. Collier was told that was <br />correct. OK, and then, after that, what <br />happens? <br />Mr. Inks said the expansion either occurs or <br />doesn't occur. Ms. Jones said the property <br />either gets included in the district or doesn't. <br />Nothing else happens at that point, no money <br />has been spent, except as Mr. Wolflson <br />pointed out, that theoretically. It just <br />becomes included into the Airport TIF <br />33 <br />