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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting -June 25, 2008 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />A. Public Hearing <br />(1) continued... <br />Women, Infant, Children nutritional focus for <br />our people), St. Margaret's House, First <br />United Methodist's Church, Stone Soup <br />Advocacy and Minority Action Collation is <br />interested in their participatory research with <br />Notre Dame. <br />JACK DALY: Just wanted to make an <br />observation. I am with Michiana Quality <br />Life. I am loosely associated with <br />Community Forum. Just in observing this <br />trend that is happening, the fellow over here <br />that mentioned the donut effect, that seems to <br />be the picture that I see. The Redevelopment <br />Commission is suppose to be interested in, is <br />portrayed as being interested in revitalizing <br />South Bend; and yet, in effect, what it does is <br />siphon off the energies that South Bend <br />needs to create this donut of development <br />that surrounds a black hole where people <br />aren't going to spend time. They are going to <br />be leaving here, when you try to attract <br />people from outside of that black hole into <br />the area they populate the donut, they don't <br />come inside. When you take $2.5 M dollars <br />and put it in one hand and you take $30M, <br />which a potential for twice that. If costs <br />continue to escalate, and I don't see anything <br />leveling off, so what you estimate today, I <br />wouldn't put on rosy glasses and think that's <br />going to stay, it will increase. How you can <br />equate $2.SM dollars for LaSalle Square with <br />$30M, potentially $80M dollars for an <br />outlying area, and call that revitalization? I <br />am sorry but I didn't just fall off that turnip <br />truck, either. So, redevelopment, please let's <br />31 <br />