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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting -June 25, 2008 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />A. Public Hearing <br />(1) continued... <br />need that in our community at influx. We are <br />looking at $.75 as too expensive to use <br />transportation. The bus one way, down to the <br />Center, is too expensive. And of course, if <br />you have no income and you are trying to get <br />a job and you need two or three legs, that <br />may be $3.50 a day, and of course, it stops at <br />S:OOpm or so. On weekends it doesn't even <br />run except hourly and not on Sunday, and so <br />you can't even have one of those jobs unless <br />it is a Monday through Friday day shift. <br />That's a barrier. Bringing this kind of <br />development does not help any of that. With <br />the property at Studebaker, a small start, an <br />individual start with the community garden. I <br />started a community garden because I know <br />in a community project the only way to make <br />a difference is to actually do it yourself and <br />then hope others will join in. But in <br />Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, food comes <br />first. The visible needs, food and safety. I go <br />out there, I hoe, I plant, we have a lot of <br />food, the shelters have benefited, getting <br />lettuce, radishes, etc. I have been able to feed <br />one hundred people lunch, at least yesterday <br />at St. Margaret's. The people that are passing <br />out brochures, and these are for everyone to <br />use, the neighbors, any of you, go and <br />harvest, they have harvested the greens and <br />the radishes already some. Here are some of <br />the agencies that have been involved, <br />Broadway Christian Parish, South Bend <br />Health Department, Project Homecoming, <br />Main Street Catholic House, and I don't <br />know their official name, the Homeless <br />Shelter, Hope Rescue Mission, WIC (that's <br />30 <br />