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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting -June 25, 2008 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />A. Public Hearing <br />(1) continued... <br />Two hundred and sixty-eight billion over <br />here. Now you're promoting just $2.SM in <br />the Second District. Now you're talking <br />about including just Portage Prairie? Why <br />are we who have the brunt of paying taxes <br />received so little for our dollar? Not that you <br />can answer the question. But that's what it <br />comes out to be. All the money is going in <br />outlying areas. When is the last time anyone <br />has rode down the streets of South Bend, <br />particularly the Sixth and Second Districts? <br />Do you see all the blighted homes, all the <br />boarded up homes? No retail whatsoever! <br />None. Every dime that we spend is in <br />Granger or Mishawaka. Are they still <br />counting onus to support their lifestyles? <br />Now even with our tax dollars. That doesn't <br />even make any sense. You need to be <br />responsive to the people of South Bend, and <br />thus far it has not happened. It hasn't <br />happened. We get the drippings of all the <br />money, and yet you're talking about putting <br />that money somewhere else. Drive through <br />the neighborhood. See where the people are <br />living at. See what state of mind they are in, <br />yet you are chosen as leaders to lead, to make <br />decisions. Your decisions are not for the <br />people, because you don't even ask the <br />people. That's the shame of it. But you sit <br />here, not all of you, please don't get me <br />wrong. But the fruit justifies the seed. You <br />need to start being responsive to the <br />residents, not to the ones who want the <br />money, that want the business. But they're <br />not bringing jobs here. The jobs, the money <br />that was spent on the east side, the Mayor <br />24 <br />