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PAGE 5 CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />MARKET DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />SIMILAR PROJECT EXPERIENCE <br />UNPARALLELED EXPERTISE <br />SMART STREETS INITIATIVE TWO-WAY CONVERSION <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />LEADERSHIP FROM KEY STAFF <br />Sessions, Zielinski (roadway); O’Connor, <br />Rajbhara (traffic); Stapleton (ROW) <br />The city implemented a “Smart Streets Initiative” <br />which included changing several of the downtown <br />major streets from one-way streets to two-way <br />streets and implementing “complete streets” <br />concepts for several blocks within the downtown <br />proper. The complete streets concepts that <br />were incorporated included decorative <br />walkways, a cycle track, streetscape, the <br />reduction of travel lanes (road diet and traffic <br />calming), decorative lighting, green initiatives <br />(use of porous pavement in parking areas), <br />decorative crosswalks, and roundabouts <br />serving as gateways into the downtown from <br />the north and south. Other work included traffic <br />signal modifications, changes to access at specific <br />locations, and pavement marking and signing <br />revisions. The entire project was fast track, and <br />the design was successfully delivered in seven <br />months. <br />American Structurepoint was selected to validate <br />the overall plan from a traffic standpoint. To do <br />so, a travel demand model of the downtown area <br />was created, allowing us to present the model live <br />to City officials and discuss what-if scenarios. To <br />accompany the travel demand model, capacity <br />analysis and simulations of all 50+ intersections <br />were developed, which allowed the City to <br />see how traffic is expected to flow on the new <br />roadway network. <br />16 TECH PROGRAM MANAGEMENT <br />INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA <br />LEADERSHIP FROM KEY STAFF <br />Murphy (project manager); Canfield (principal); <br />Hope (environmental); Bosse (roadway); <br />O’Connor, Rajbhara (traffic); Douglass (survey); <br />Stapleton (ROW) <br />The 16 Tech campus is a transformational project for <br />Indianapolis that consists of 50 acres in the heart of <br />downtown being developed as a multidisciplinary <br />innovation district, designed to attract global life <br />sciences and technology companies, as well as <br />other developments. American Structurepoint <br />is the lead technical adviser involved in the <br />first phase of development of the campus that <br />will include design, construction, relocation, <br />renovation, and over $100 million in infrastructure <br />upgrades as necessary to solicit, facilitate, and <br />support private sector development of the 16 Tech <br />campus. There will be 3.5 million sft of additional <br />building space over the next ten years as the 16 <br />Tech campus grows and expands. Acting as the <br />Owner's representative, our team developed <br />a comprehensive traffic study for the entire <br />development involving multiple intersections <br />and new roadway connections that provide <br />access to the overall development.