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| 6 MATCHLINEMATCHLINEORANGE STFASSNACHT AVELONGLEY AVEWERWINSKI STLINCOLNWAY WRUPEL STLINDEN AVECOLLEGE ST <br />MLK JR COMMUNITY CENTER <br />COLLEGE ST FLORENCE AVESIBLEY AVECity of South Bend | PE Services for Coal Line Trail Phase 3 in the LaPorte District - Des #2201235 <br />KEY: <br />Existing Coal Line Trail <br />Proposed Coal Line Trail <br />Proposed Extension of Coal Line Trail <br />Alternate Route with Tabletop Intersection <br />New Sidewalk (currently under construction) <br />Potential Speed Hump <br />Approximate Right-of-Way <br />High Voltage Aerial Electric Line <br />Bus Route <br />Landscaping Beds <br />Bus stop <br />Road Crossing (designed to PROWAG standards) <br />We propose to extend the trail to Orange Street, <br />to tie into the existing bicycle network. <br />PROJECT UNDERSTANDING: DES. #2201235 <br /> | 6