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05 City of South Bend, Indiana | Safe Routes to School (SRTS) – Kennedy Academy | February 14, 2023 <br />GENERAL PROJECT APPROACH <br />GENERAL PROJECT APPROACH <br />Volkert is excited for the opportunity to work alongside the City of South Bend to make it safer and easier for children to walk and bicycle to school. Our <br />collaborative approach to this project will ultimately enhance the safety and health of the community for years to come. Nationally, statistics have shown <br />that as traffic volumes around schools have increased, parents/guardians have felt less and less comfortable about letting their children walk or ride <br />bicycles to school. More and more parents/guardians have begun driving their kids to school. In fact, it is estimated that 85% of children’s trips to school <br />are made by car or school bus. Vehicular trips add to traffic issues surrounding schools and create long lines of traffic in school drop-off zones. Other <br />drivers in the vicinity can become agitated and drive aggressively. This cycle continues until very few parents/guardians feel comfortable letting their children walk or <br />bike to school, even if they live close by. <br />Walking and biking to school helps children feel more connected to their community and increases their confidence that school is a safe place for learning. Bicycling <br />and walking to school helps establish a healthy, active lifestyle from an early age. Generally, increased physical activity among school-aged children contributes to their <br />improved personal health. <br />The goal of this project is to enhance the safety of students traveling to and from school and increase the number of students walking or bicycling to school. This will <br />be accomplished by identifying challenges that prevent students from doing so safely and identifying solutions to these challenges. Our approach to this project is <br />summarized as follows: <br />• Volkert will work with the City of South Bend, local school district officials and MACOG staff to identify major obstacles and <br />conflict areas children may encounter while walking or biking to school. <br />• On-site review of current traffic patterns for pickup/drop off locations and how that affects bike/pedestrian flow. <br />• Correspond with school staff as needed. <br />• Examine short, medium, and long-term engineering solutions to improve pedestrian and bicycle traffic flow within the project boundaries. Incorporate <br />enhancements that can be implemented with the available federal funding/local match that utilize existing right-of-way as much as possible. <br />• Prioritize implementation of recommended improvements based on what can be accomplished within the federal-aid project and what could be implemented later <br />as additional funding/resources become available. <br />• Develop detailed cost estimates for improvements. <br />• Develop graphics and/or maps to highlight improvements within the project boundary. These <br />graphics/maps can then be utilized by the school, as needed, to provide up to date/useful <br />information to parents/guardians and students. <br />• Upon concurrence of the routes to be included within this project, Volkert will prepare the required <br />Environmental Document and construction plans for implementation of the overall project vision. <br />Volkert is ready and has ample capacity to get started immediately upon notice to proceed. We <br />have researched the project area and believe that we have a thorough understanding of the design <br />constraints and objectives needed to successfully deliver for the City of South Bend. <br />We have successfully completed similar projects in other areas of the state and are ready to design <br />this project within the existing constraints and provide all deliverables so that the schedule and <br />federal timeline will be met. <br />We believe after review of our team, key staff, project approach, and relevant past projects you will <br />agree we are uniquely qualified. Volkert is very interested in this project for the City of South Bend! <br />Thank you for your consideration. <br />Roger and Freemont: Curb ramps missing – not connected to the street curb, apparent low point at the curb.