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FOR USE OF THE DESIGNATING BODY <br />I I , , ~ .... _ <br />We have reviewed our prior actions relating to the designation of this econ omic re vi talization area and find th at Ille appllcani"::eis the ';~,I $1:alfd <br />adopted in the resolut ion previously approved by this body. Sai d resolution , passed under IC 6-1 1-12 1-2 5 , p ro vides 1fo r the following ·limi aU~ lie' <br />authorizedunderlC 6-1 .1-12 .1-2. 1-}/li'' _ ----- <br />-I.J I 1 A . The designated area has been limited to a period of time not to exceed ______ calend a r years • (s~ bf/lo w} T date this aes,g oati~' expi e s -,/ r, L < !J. I is ______________ NOTE This ques/lon addresses whether /he resolu/lon contam ~)p l~ OQ a.te.{o r the des,g ed area <br />-...~ f,;:./:?1,-J'r ;;.:~/ <br />B The type of deduction that is allowed in the desig nated area is limited to : <br />1 . Installation of new manufacturing equip ment; <br />2 . Install ation of new research and development equipment: <br />3 . Installation of new logistical d istribution equipment. <br />4 Install ation of new information technolog y equipment ; <br />O Yes <br />0 Yes <br />0 Ye s <br />0 Yes <br />O No <br />Q No <br />O No <br />O No <br />-.__ 5,-V._;I•\,';::;:-._, ·-,JV.,.· vc::s <br />O Enh anced A batemen per,'i ~ 1 1 1-1 8 <br />Check box if an enhanced abarem , 'M.t <br />approved for on e or more of these ty <br />C The amount of deduction a pplicable to new m anufacturing equipment is li m ited 10 $ ________ cost w ith an assessed value of <br />$ _________ (One or bo th lines may be filled out to establish a limit, if desired.} <br />D . The a mo unt of deduction applicable to new researcll and development equ ipment is lim ited to$ ________ cost with an assessed val ue of <br />$ _________ . (On e or both line s may be fill ed out to establish a limit. if desired.) <br />E The amount of dedu ction applicable to new logistical d istribution eq uipme nt is limited t o$ ________ co s t with an assessed value of <br />$ _________ . (One or both lines may be filted out to establish a limit. if desired.) <br />F. The am ount of deduction applicable to new information tec hnology e quip ment is limited to $ ________ cost w ith an assessed va lue of <br />$ _________ ., (One or both tine s may be filled out to establish a limit, if desired } <br />G O ther lim itations or cond itions /sp ecify) _________________________________ _ <br />H T he deduction fo r new manufacturin g equipme nt and/or new research and develo p ment equi pmen t and/o r new log istical d istribution equipment a nd /or <br />new in forma tion technology equipme nt installed and fi rst claimed elig ible fo r deduction is allo w ed for: <br />0 Ye ar 1 <br />0 Ye ar6 <br />0 Year 2 <br />0 Year ? <br />0 Yea r 3 <br />0 Years <br />0 Year4 <br />0 Year 9 <br />0 Years <br />0 Ye ar 10 <br />0 Enhanced A ba te ment per IC 6-1. 1-12.1-18 <br />Number of yea rs appro ved : ____ _ <br />(Enter one to twenty (1-20) yea rs ; m ay no t <br />exceed twenty (20) years.) <br />I. F or a Statement of Be nefits ap proved after June 30 , 2013 , did th is designating body ad opt an abatem ent schedule per IC 6-1 .1-12 1-17? 0 Yes O N o <br />If yes , attach a copy of the abatement schedule to this form . <br />If no. the designating body is required to establish an aba tement schedule before the deduction can be d etermined <br />A lso we have reviewed the information co nta ined in the sta tement of be n efits and find tha t the e st imates an d expec tati o ns are re ason able a n d have <br />determined that t h e totali ty of benefits is suffi cient to justify th e deduction described above <br />Approve d by: (s ignature and title of authorized member of designating body) Te lephone number Date si gned (month, day_ year) <br />Pri nl ed name of aulhorized member of designating body Name of designat ing body <br />Attesled by : (signature and ti tl e of a/lester) Pri nted name of atteste r <br />• If the designating body li m its the time period durin g which an area 1s an econ o m ic revitalization area . tha t li mitation does not limit the length of time a <br />taxpayer is entitled to receive a deduction to a number of years that is less th a n the number of years designated under IC 6-1 .1-12.1-17 <br />IC 6-1 .1-12.1-17 <br />Abatement schedules <br />Sec . 17 . (a) A designating body may provide to a business that is established in or re located to a revitaliza tion a rea and th at receive s a ded uction under <br />se c tion 4 or 4 .5 of this cllapter an abatement schedule based on the following fa ctors : <br />(1) The total amount of the taxpayer's investment in real and personal pro perty. <br />(2) The number of new full-time equivalent j obs created . <br />(3) The average wage of the new employees compared to the state minimum wage <br />(4) The infrastructure requirements for th e ta xpayer 's investment. <br />(b) This subsection applies to a statement of benefits approved after June 30 . 2013, A designating body shall establish an abateme nt schedule <br />fo r each deduction allowed under this chapter. A n abate m ent sched ule must specify th e percenta g e amount of the deduction fo r each year of the <br />deduction. Except as p rovided in IC 6-1 .1-12 .1-18 , an abatement schedule may not exceed ten (1 0) years . <br />(c) An abatement schedule approved for a particular taxpa yer be fore July 1, 201 3 , rema ins in effe ct u ntil the abatement schedule expires under <br />the te rms o f the resolu tion approvi ng th e taxpa y er's statement of benefits. <br />Page 2 of 2