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STATEMENT OF BENEFITS <br />PERSONAL PROPERTY <br />St al e Form 51764 (RS / 1-21 ) <br />(· ... <br />Prescribed by the Department of Loc al Gove rn ment Fi na nce <br />INSTRUCTIONS. <br />/,il:3 1 1 70?? I <br />·-----_ __J . · 'i:: .X)NE[j <br />,(;. ,, · H 8ENO. lt•i . --·--~ .. ___ __ FORM SB -1 / PP <br />PRIVACY NOTICE <br />Any informat ion concern ing th e co st <br />of tho properly and specific salar ies pai d <br />lo indiV1duaf employees by the propMy <br />owner ls conn den tial per IC 6-1 1-12 1-5 1 <br />1 Th is statement must be submitted to the body design ating the Economic Revitalization Area prior to the public hearing if the designating bo dy req uires <br />information from the applicant in making its decision about whether to des ign a te an Economic Revitalization Area . Otherwise th is statement must be <br />submitted to th e design ating body B EFORE a person inst alls the new manufacturing equipment and/or research and development equipment, and/or <br />logistical distribution equipment and/or info rm ation technology equipment for which the person wishes to claim a deduction . <br />2 The statement of benefits form must be submitted to the design aling body an d the area designated an economic revitalization area before the installation of <br />qualifying abatable equipment for which the person desires to claim a deduction . <br />3 To obtain a deduction, a person must file a certified deduction schedule with the person 's personal property retum on a certified deduction schedule <br />(Form 103-ERA) wi th the township assessor of the township where the property is situated or with the county assessor if there is no townsh ip assessor for <br />the township. The 103-ERA mus t be filed between January 1 and May 15 of the assessment year in which new manufacturing equipment andlorresear ch <br />and development equipment and/or logistical distribution eq uipment and/or information technology equipment is installe d and fully functional, unless a filing <br />extension has been obtained. A person who obtains a filing extension mus/ file the form between January 1 and the extended due date of tha t year. <br />4. Property owners whose Statement of Benefits was approved, mus/ submit Form CF-1/PP annually to show compliance with the Statemenl of Benefits <br />(IC 6-1 1-12 1-5.6) <br />5. For a Form SB -1/PP tha t is approved after Jun e 30, 2013, th e designating body is req uired to establish an abatement schedule for each deduction allowed. <br />For a Form SB-1/PP th at is approved prior to July 1, 2013, the aba tement schedule approved by the designating bo dy rem ain s in effect. (I C 6-1 . 1-12 1-17) <br />.. -... . ...• <br />Nam e of 1axpaye r I Name of contact pe rso n <br />Stee l Ware ho use Company LLC G e ral d F . Le rm an <br />Address of taxpaye r (number and s/n,e/, city, slate, and ZIP code} Te lephone ntJ mber <br />2722 W. Tucke r Drive , So ut h Bend , IN 46 6 19 ( 574 ) 236 -5 100 <br />• h,-••••l•I .... .,, . -. ....... <br />Name of designa1i ng bod y Resolution number (s) <br />City of South Bend Com mon Counci l <br />Loc ati on of pr ope rty I County OLGF taxi ng dis trict num ber <br />2 722 W. Tu c ke r Drive , So ut h Bend , IN 46619 St Joseph 026 (So ut h Ben d/Portage ) <br />Desc ri ption of m anufacturing equipment and/or research and development equip ment EST IMAT ED <br />and/or log istical distributi on equipment and/or information te chnology equip ment. <br />(Use additional sheets if necessary ) START DATE CO MP LETION DATE <br />See attachment. <br />Manufacturing Equipment 0 8/20 22 0 7/20 23 <br />R & D Equi p ment <br />Log ist Dist Equ ipme nt <br />IT Equipment <br />• ······•---..... ··-· . . , __ .... ... <br />Current Number I Sa la ries Nu mbe r Re ta ine d I Salaries Num ber Additional I Salaries <br />2 1 1,3 7 6 ,0 15 21 1 ,376 ,0 15 10 to 12 686 ,3 95 <br />, •. • ...... 11:W~='IAl!J'e ... -.;;.;ii••• "' <br />NOTE : Purs ua nt to IC 6-1 .1-1 2.1-5 .1 (d) (2) the MANUFACTURING R & D EQUIPMENT LO GIST 01ST IT EQUIPMENT EQUI PMENT EQUI PMENT <br />COST of the property is confident ial. COST ASSESSED COST ASSESSED COST ASSESSE D COST AS SESSED <br />VA LUE VALUE VALUE VALU E <br />Cu rrent va lues 3 ,133 ,300 939 ,990 <br />P lus estim ated values of proposed p ro ject 3 ,69 7 ,000 1,109 ,100 <br />Less v alues of any property bei ng repla ce d 58 ,000 17 .400 <br />Net estimated v alues upon completion of project 6 ,772 ,300 2,031 ,690 <br />• . ... , . . • : . - <br />Estimated s oli d waste conv erted (pounds) 0 Esti mated hazardo u s w aste con verted (po unds) 0 <br />Other ben efits : <br />SECTION I; TAXP,WER CERTIFICATION <br />I he reby certify th at the re p resenta tions in this state ment are true . <br />Si gnature of auth oriz ed represe ntative <br />&.-..t ✓ F. /.,.,... __ <br />Prin te d name of authorized represe ntative <br />G erald F . Lerm an <br />I <br />Date si gned (month. day, year) <br />,r ,.f y "?.'I , Z<>l.l. <br />I <br />Ti lle <br />Vi ce Presiden t, Gene ral Counsel <br />Page 1 of 2