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For Staff Use Only lelaw n,1, Une <br />What Is the curre nt ~nened v11 ue1 IReal Property: I IH,600 PffSOnll PropttTy. 18,157,980 <br />Wh~t 15 th·e p,oJectfd HMHed value? l""I Property: I 340 ,600 P,rson1I Pr~tv: 21 ,854,980 <br />'Ntl1t Is the ti• ltty number for mts proJact1 0 l 8-8075-Zll39 <br />Wllatl,~ ,11 dlf!t NA ICS code7 I H35l9 <br />Pfene 1n1ch I Gqle map tnd itrNtW'Wof ttie focatkJn . <br />PJ111e nst the am<Nnt of rnl and personal p,~ taHS Ru• Property Taae-s : Pan:o~I PtOJM,tv Tues: <br />pa id for the #alt fll,tf, yurt whl!fl appUablt. <br />YearOnr 4,304.02 604,422 .80 <br />Ye;arTwo 3,807.00 474,139 .50 <br />Year Three 4,430.98 502 ,353.02 <br />YHr Four 4,788.82 51 1,680.18 <br />Year five 1,946.70 500,97 0.56 <br />Please nu oul th• following Public 8eneni Summ•rv mform•don and add to total from •bove . <br />jVorNl Polnb Points <br />Public Benefit Item: <br />Pn:il«! llt~led! <br />5 A . Redeve lop• SIie t hat h•s Speclill Need> No 49 <br />8. De ve lo p Ba sed on local Unive rsity Re.sear ch No 35 <br />C. Ach ieve a Physical Element of a Plan No 36 <br />!sub-total Project Related: 120 <br />6 ~.l!tr 1l..rf Prokru lgolnt v•l ues •rt gimul13lvej : <br />A. 100" lo 199" ~o 25 <br />8 . 200" lo 299" :--io 68 <br />C. 300"!0 399" Ko 65 <br />D. 400l' and Over No 5 2 <br />I sub-total Supor Sire Projects : 210 <br />7 Piy for Muni(ie!;I tnfrutructure: <br />A. Pay for Qv.,sb lns o r Up&f3dlns No 14 <br />8 . Pay for 26·50" of Exton,ion Cost No 26 <br />C. Pay for S1 -7S" of Extension Cost :-Ju 39 <br />0 . Pay for 76-100" of ExteNion Cost No 52 <br />!sub •rot•I Infrastructure Rolattd: 131 <br />Toul from Applicant Soctlon: 23 4 S39 <br />Tot•I f,om Staff SHtlon: 0 46 1 <br />Tol•I Public Bonoflt Points: 234 1000