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Complete below for Real or Personal Property Tax Abatement only. <br />Please siln for all requested incentives. <br />Public Benefit Item: <br />Information Is required on both the construction companies and tile <br />companies whlct, will provide materials purchased for this project. <br />Qual ify <br />Please complete the table below with the appropriate Information. If Earned Pa int< Availiiible PoiftlS <br />you qua li fy for the points, please enter the full amount of availab le <br />(Ve s or No) <br />points. <br />1 tonriru ~!lgn RgLl!•!I C£!1!!!m~J ; <br />A. Employ Lo cal Co mpanie s (75%) l\o 20 <br />B. Purch ase Materia ls from Loc al Companies (75%) Yes ]. 0 20 <br />C Requi re Em ployees vs . In dep ende nt Co n tr actors No 19 <br />D. Requ i re Prevailing Wage (Oav,s Bac on) Ne 22 <br />E. Requ ire Health Be ne fits Yes [_ L.. u <br />F. Requ ire Pension Ben ef its Yes ;~ 18 <br />G. Ma inta in Affi rmat ive Action Pl an No 20 <br />lsub-tot•I Connruttlon Rel•ted : £,, C 141 <br />2 .le!!!u, §,odi! B,iurtJ.Q~rl; <br />A. Pay Targe t Wag e Leve ls tll<5? l3 <br />8 . Prov ide ~ealt h Benef its Yes s"' 34 <br />C Prov ide Pens ion Benefits Yes 7 't 19 <br />0 . Provide Training Yes L.~ 28 <br />E. Prov ide Chi ld Care No 15 <br />F Provide Transpo rt ation Assistance No 14 <br />G. Prov 'de Emp loyer Assisted Ho us ing program Ne 9 <br />Sub •toul Wage & Benefit Related : qf 162 <br />3 Wo rkforce ~e lated : <br />A, Crea te New Jo bs. Yes u) ., <br />B. Retam histing Jobs Y es i..l I 4] <br />C. Maimain Aff irmative Action Pl an No 35 <br />D, Provide Tarae ted Hir ing Prefe rence No .14 <br />Sub -1ota l Workforce Re laled: ~J ]52 <br />4 a!!eeon • Ml!!!lcl eat Fa cll lrt: <br />A. <br />Su p port a 59 Municip a l Facility (donatiO M to th e No zoo , conserva tory , mu se um, et c.) 84 <br />Name of Facili ty <br />! Sub•total M unlclpal Facility : NIA ' 84 <br />Sub-total from Above : 7~1/ 539 <br />The undersig ned owner(s) of real property, located within the City of South Bend, hertiy petition the Common Council of the Qty <br />of South Bend for a real and/or personal property tax abatement consideration and pursuant to I.C., 6·1 .1-ll.1·1, et seq .. and <br />South Bend Municipal Code Sec. 2-76 et seq .. for this petition state the above. <br />Submitted By: