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(c) The Clerk, or a designated representative of the Clerk's Office, in addition to the powers and <br /> duties enumerated in section 2-14 of this Code, shall attend all regular and special meetings <br /> of the Council and shall keep an accurate journal of the proceedings of the Council and <br /> exercise and perform the powers and duties as provided and prescribed by law, this Code or <br /> ordinances. The City Clerk's Office shall prepare minutes without consultation with anyone <br /> not a part of said office. <br /> (d) The Clerk shall call the roll at the beginning of each session of the Council and on the vote <br /> of every ordinance and resolution and whenever requested by two (2) members on any other <br /> votes and record the ayes and nays by Council Member name in the minutes. <br /> (e) The Council Members shall be called in the following order: First, the District Council <br /> Members in the order of their districts; next the Council Members-at-Large in alphabetical <br /> order; last, the presiding officer. On all requested roll call votes when sitting as Committee <br /> of the Whole, on all third readings of bills, and on all resolutions, the Clerk shall call the roll <br /> rotating the call of each Council Member by one position. <br /> (f) The Clerk shall provide and maintain in the City Clerk's Office a supply of forms for all <br /> matters required to be filed with the City Clerk. <br /> (g) The Clerk shall have the power to administer oaths of office. <br /> (h) The Clerk shall make available to the press and any other interested person, upon request, <br /> all public information which is available concerning the subjects to be discussed at any <br /> regular, special or informal meetings of the Council, and shall also make available the time, <br /> date and place of such meetings. <br /> (i) Upon the request of any Council Member or the Council Attorney on behalf of any Council <br /> Member, the Office of the City Clerk shall provide other supportive clerical assistance and <br /> other related services to the Council, its standing committees, and such other committees <br /> which include Council representatives. Such services shall be provided to further effectuate <br /> the necessary obligations, responsibilities and duties required of the Council Members and <br /> to further the effective and efficient operation of the Council. <br /> (j) The City Clerk's Office shall maintain all minutes of the standing and special committees of <br /> the Common Council which are duly filed with said office by the Chairperson of the <br /> Committee. The minutes shall be maintained with the notices of such meetings in a separate <br /> and permanent folder for each committee. All folders shall be open for public inspection <br /> and available for copying at a reasonable cost to members of the public. <br /> Sec. 2-7.1. Sergeant-at-Arms. <br /> (a) The Chief of Police shall designate, detail and assign a police officer to act as sergeant-at- <br /> arms for the Council who shall exercise duties as shall be designated by the Council. <br /> (b) The Sergeant-at-Arms shall exercise and perform other duties as may be prescribed by this <br /> Code and the laws of this State for the effective operation and conduct of the Council. <br /> Sec. 2-7.2. Council attorney. <br /> (a) A Council attorney may be appointed by the President of the Common Council subject to <br /> the approval of the Council. <br />