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(b) The Council attorney shall be responsible to see that all ordinances and resolutions <br /> requested by Council Members are drafted; shall review all proposed ordinances and <br /> resolutions as to form and legality; shall advise the Office of the City Clerk as to all matters <br /> regarding publication and codification of ordinances; and shall give legal advice as <br /> requested by the Common Council, its committees and its members. <br /> (Ord. No. 6114-77, § 1; Ord. No. 7929-88, § 1) <br /> Sec. 2-8. Decorum and debate regulating Common Council. <br /> (a) The presiding officer shall preserve order and decorum at all Council meetings. When <br /> necessary, the presiding officer may seek the assistance of the Sergeant-at-Arms in the <br /> enforcement of this provision. <br /> (b) Each member of the Common Council shall be present within the Council Chamber during <br /> the sessions of the Council and shall vote on each question put unless excused from voting <br /> by a majority of the members present. Any Council Member not present shall be noted in <br /> the minutes as absent. <br /> (c) A Council Member shall not vote or take any other discretionary action in the Member's <br /> official capacity, except in the exercise of the Member's own independent judgment, <br /> reached after due regard for the collective interests of the Member's constituency as a <br /> whole, and of the citizens and the community of the City of South Bend. The prohibition in <br /> this subsection extends to any agreement to take action in violation of this subsection and to <br /> any effort to induce other Council Members to violate it. <br /> (d) Whenever a Council Member has or is likely to have a substantial conflict of interest in <br /> connection with a matter pending before the Council in which the Member's action may be <br /> influenced by possible economic benefits or material personal gain, the Member shall <br /> disclose fully the nature of the potential conflict of interest, in which event the Member may <br /> continue to participate in the deliberations and vote on the matter if it is determined by a <br /> majority of the Council present that it is not a substantial conflict of interest. <br /> (e) Whenever a Council Member has or is likely to have a substantial conflict of interest in <br /> connection with any official matter other than one pending before the Council, the Member <br /> shall either: <br /> (1) Disqualify himself or herself from further participation in the proceeding; or <br /> (2) Conduct himself or herself in accordance with an advisory opinion from the Council <br /> Rules Committee. <br /> (f) Council Members shall not derive or attempt to derive any unjustified enrichment from their <br /> office. This subsection forbids: <br /> (1) The solicitation or acceptance of any bribe, or any gift, or other material, economic or <br /> personal benefit, or of any promise of similar benefit, which the Member believes or <br /> reasonably should believe was intended to influence the Member's vote or other action <br /> to be taken in the Member's official capacity; or <br />