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Sec. 2-6. President of Common Council, powers and duties; Vice-President of Common <br /> Council, powers and duties. <br /> (a) The presiding officer or President of the Common Council, after being duly elected <br /> pursuant to section 2-3 of this Code, and after taking the oath of office, shall take the chair <br /> and preside over all regular, special and informal meetings of the Council. <br /> (b) The President shall call the Council to order at the hour for the opening of the meetings and <br /> upon the appearance of a quorum. <br /> (c) The President or other presiding officer shall have the right to participate in the discussion <br /> of the Council after all other Council Members have had an initial opportunity to speak on <br /> an issue and shall have the right to vote on all matters, without taking leave of the chair. <br /> (d) The President shall: <br /> (1) Preserve strict order and decorum among Council Members and/or members of the <br /> public; <br /> (2) Decide all questions of order, and such decisions shall be final unless appeals are taken <br /> to the Council; <br /> (3) Appoint all standing committees at the commencement of the term of the Council; <br /> provided that such standing committees shall serve only during the term of the <br /> appointing President; <br /> (4) Appoint all special committees which may be ordered by the Council; <br /> (5). Fill all vacancies which may occur in any of the standing or special committees; <br /> (6) Sign all ordinances and resolutions adopted by the Council prior to their presentation to <br /> the Mayor, as well as all ordinances after enrollment, and the journal of the <br /> proceedings; <br /> (7) Perform any function proper and necessary for the effective and efficient operation of <br /> the President's office as deemed in the public interest. <br /> (e) The Vice-President and the Chairperson of the Committee of the Whole of the Council shall <br /> be elected at the same time and for the same term and manner as the President of the <br /> Council. <br /> (f) The Vice-President or other presiding officer shall possess the powers and perform the <br /> duties of the President of the Council when the President is absent, or when a temporary <br /> vacancy occurs in the Office of the President. <br /> Sec. 2-7. Duties of City Clerk as Clerk of Council. <br /> (a) The City Clerk shall be the Clerk of the Common Council. <br /> (b) The City Clerk shall be elected by the voters of the City at the time and in the same manner <br /> as other City officers are elected. The term of office shall commence on the first day of <br /> January following the Clerk's election and shall continue for four(4) years thereafter. <br />