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CITY OF SOUTH BEND HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />Commissioner Tiffany (AYE): I don't think the windows are far enough gone that they <br />can't be restored. <br />Commissioner Andrews (AYE): I voted for the same exact reasons stated. It goes <br />against the standards and guidelines and based on the staff report the windows were not <br />deteriorated beyond repair. <br />Certificate of Appropriateness #2022-0621 is denied. <br />Vote: 4-0. Four in favor, none opposed. <br />COA 92022-0621 is denied. <br />ii. ii. 2022-0705 306 Lamonte Terrace Chapin Park LHD, Ordinance #9574-05 <br />(Audio Position: 24:00) <br />The staff report was presented by Adam Toering. <br />Staff Recommendation: <br />Staff recommends Approval.. <br />The applicant was represented by: <br />Sarah McKibben, 306 Lamonte Terrace, South Bend, IN 46616 <br />The public was represented by: <br />N/A <br />After due consideration, the following action was taken: <br />Upon a motion by Sarah Hill, seconded by John Tiffany, and carried by vote, the Historic <br />Preservation Commission APPROVES Certificate of Appropriateness Application #2022- <br />0705. <br />Vote: 3-0-1. Three in favor, none opposed, one abstention <br />COA#2022-0705 is approved. <br />IV. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />V. REGULAR BUSINESS <br />a. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />i. June 21, 2022 minutes <br />- Upon -a -motion by Joan Downs Krostenko, seconded by Sarah Hill, and unanimously <br />carried by vote, the minutes from the June 21, 2022 Historic Preservation Commission <br />are approved. <br />b. STAFF REPORTS <br />Administrative Approvals <br />After due consideration, no action was taken. <br />c. COMMITTEE REPORTS <br />i. No committees met since the previous meeting. <br />Page 12 <br />