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`Page 3. <br /> Personnel and Finance Committee <br /> Councilman Serge questioned whether the City had made any progress <br /> with regard to the School Corporation taking over the crossing guards. <br /> Mr. Vance noted that there have been some preliminary discussion. <br /> Councilman Barcome questioned what the present status of the recall <br /> situation was and was informed that the budget included 23, 000 hours. <br /> Thus Line Item 130 reflects $368,000 for recall of the total amount of <br /> $515, 841. <br /> Following discussion Councilman Braboy made a motion seconded by <br /> Councilman Serge that $30,000 be cut from Line Item 130 entitled "Extra <br /> and Overtime" . This cut would bring the amount currently requested at <br /> $514, 841 to $484, 841. The motion passed unanimously. <br /> It was also noted by Chief Hurley that seven (7) positions within <br /> the Department will be civilianized in the near future. Some of which <br /> include the Arson Investigator, Fingerprinting, etc. <br /> Following discussion on computerization in the Department, <br /> Councilman Serge made a motion seconded by Councilman Braboy that $20,000 <br /> be cut from Line Item No. 312 entitled "Data Processing" . This cut would <br /> decrease the current requested amount of $176, 090 to $156,090. The motion <br /> passed unanimously. <br /> It was noted that Line Item 360 entitled "Building and Structure <br /> Repair" includes a request of $4, 000 to allow a new heating system to <br /> be placed at Safetyville. Currently they are using a wood stove and <br /> various electric heaters which cause a safety concern. <br /> Following discussion related to Line Item 426 entitled "Furnitures <br /> and Fixtures" currently requested at $7, 221, Councilman Serge made a <br /> motion seconded by Councilman Braboy that this Line Item be cut by <br /> $2, 000. Thus the requested amount would be reduced to $5, 221. The motion <br /> passed unanimously. <br /> Chief Hurley then noted that the vehicle replacement program which <br /> is in place for a five year period has been working effectively. The <br /> cost of $508,000 would have been the cost for the replacement of an entire <br /> fleet at one time. Now the replacement is on a staggered basis. <br /> Following discussion Councilman Serge made a motion seconded by <br /> Councilman Braboy that Line Item 429 entitled "Other Equipment" currently <br /> proposed at $50 , 000 be reduced by $5,000 for a total amount of $45, 000; <br /> and that Line Item 431 entitled "Radio Equipment" currently proposed at <br /> $50, 000 be reduced by $5,000 for a reduced requested amount of $45,000. <br /> The motinn passed unanimously. <br />