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Page 2. <br /> Personnel and Finance Committee <br /> Mrs. Barnard noted that in addition to the requested $657, 924 <br /> from the Civil City Budget that she receives additional monies from <br /> Community Development of $212,000, $87,000 and $60,000 for demolition. <br /> Similar supplements will be recommended for 1987. <br /> Carol Sanders then gave an update with regard to last evening's <br /> meeting with the Humane Society. She again noted that the Humane Society <br /> was unwilling to furnish various information to the City which has been <br /> requested for a substantial period of time. Following much discussion <br /> on this topic, Councilman Braboy made a motion seconded by Councilman <br /> Serge that Line Item 397 entitled "Humane Society" be cut by $5,000. 00 <br /> which would bring the amount from $142,000 down to the current budgeted <br /> amount of $137, 000. The motion passed unanimously. It was also recommended <br /> as part of that motion that Mrs. Barnard send a letter from her <br /> Department advising the Humane Society of this action and the need for <br /> them to cooperate with regard to the various material requested by the <br /> City. <br /> Councilman Braboy made a motion seconded by Councilman Serge that <br /> Line Item 433 be requested in the amount of $768 and that Line Item 431 <br /> be reduced to a zero requested amount. The motion passed unanimously. <br /> CODE ENFORCEMENT HEARING OFFICER, page 35 , $30,049 <br /> Mrs. Barnard then reviewed the Code Enforcement Hearing Officer's <br /> budget which is requested at a 3. 6% increase over the current year. <br /> It was noted that Mr. Charles Leone will soon be resigning. She added <br /> that secretarial services as a part of this position were on a contractual <br /> basis. <br /> Following a review of this budget, Councilman Serge made a motion <br /> seconded by Councilman Braboy that the amended Code Enforcement Budget <br /> and the proposed Code Enforcement Hearing Officer Budget be accepted and <br /> recommended favorably to the Council. The motion passed unanimously. <br /> THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, pages 18 through 20, $7, 652, 962 <br /> Chief Hurley and Lt. Don Pinkert then reviewed the Police Department <br /> Budget for 1987. It reflects a 4. 2% decrease from the current budgeted <br /> amount of $7,993,251. Chief Hurley noted that currently there are 237 <br /> officers on the police force. <br /> Councilman Voorde questioned what the current status of the <br /> "police cadet program" was and was informed this was a program which ended <br /> in 1978 or 79. It used to provide services for 25 cadets where they worked <br /> 20 hours per week during the school year, would work 40 hours per week <br /> during the summer months and was funded by the Federal Government. Such <br /> cadets would also be attending local universities. <br />