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Page 4. <br /> Personnel and Finance Committee <br /> The Committee then reviewed the budget for the Board of Public <br /> Safety (page 17) for a total of $3, 600. It was noted that this amount <br /> was to pay the board members . Last year the other contractural line-item <br /> .0399 included travel expenses for Robert Potvin. <br /> 2 : 50 - 3: 00 HUMAN RIGHTS <br /> Mr. Larry Johnson reviewed the Human Rights budget (page 63-64) <br /> for a total of $61,905, representing a 87 increase over the current year. <br /> He noted that except for salaries and fringe benefits , all other expenses <br /> were being paid by EEO. <br /> 3: 00 - 3: 15 YOUTH SERVICES BUREAU <br /> Bonnie Strycker reviewed the Youth Services budget (pages 42-43) <br /> for a total of $74,000, representing a 7% increase. It was noted that <br /> PERF was being figured at a 5 .25% and that social security was being <br /> figured at a 6 . 7% increase. She noted that the staff was involved in <br /> several fund raising events to meet their budget needs, but this procedure <br /> was becoming increasingly difficult. <br /> Following general discussion by the Committee, the meeting was <br /> recessed at 3: 40 p.m. <br /> AUGUST 17 PERSONNEL AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING: <br /> Councilman Crone reconvened the Committee at 9 : 00 a.m. to continue <br /> the review of the 1983 proposed Civil City budget. She noted that the <br /> Committee was gathering information from each of the bureau and department <br /> heads and that no formal budget reductions would be made at this time. <br /> 9 : 00 - 10:15 SELF INSURANCE/CITY CONTROLLER <br /> The August 17th meeting began with the following persons in <br /> attendance: Councilmen Szymkowiak, McGann, Crone, Voorde and Harris ; <br /> Joseph Kernan, Sherrie Petz, Marchmont Kovas and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand. <br /> Mr. Kernan introduced Mr. Jack Benchek the new Safety Officer for the <br /> City. He then reviewed the Self Insurance Fund (71-72) for a total of <br /> $598,422, representing a 1% increase over the current budget . Councilman <br /> McGann along with several other Committee members voiced concern over <br /> changing the course of the Self Insurance Fund. When initiated, the goal <br /> was to achieve a balance of $5, 000,000. Mr. Kernan noted that with the <br /> decreases proposed for next year a total of $547, 185 would be placed into <br /> the fund next year. At the end of 1982 the projected balance would be <br /> $1, 190, 000. He noted that the City can borrow internally from this fund. <br /> It was further noted that line-item .02 should be amended to read legal <br /> itern III which was funded at one intern for a full calendar year. It <br /> was further noted that line=item .0110.05 should be amended to read <br /> Chief Deputy Controller and that line-item .0110 . 06 should include <br /> Controller. <br />