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Page 5 . <br /> Personnel and Finance Conunittee <br /> The other contractuals line-item .0399 requested at $10,000 included <br /> the fees to the adjuster which is paid on an hourly basis . <br /> Mr. Kernan then reviewed City Controller's budget (pages 2-5) for a <br /> total of $1, 504, 721 representing a 37 decrease. It was noted that all monies <br /> for refunds , awards, and indemnities were being included in the Self Insurance <br /> Fund. It was further noted that line-item .0331 requested at $16, 000 was to <br /> cover the cost of legal publication and supplementation of the Municipal Code. <br /> It was suggested that Councilman Zielinski's committee on Codification review <br /> the supplementation procedure. <br /> 10: 15 - 10: 20 DIVISION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT <br /> Chuck Leone reviewed the Code Enforcement budget (page 44) for a total <br /> of $26, 923, representing a 5% increase. He noted that the part-time <br /> secretary position was currently satisfying the departments needs for clerical <br /> services . <br /> 10: 20- 11: 05 NEIGHBORHOOD CODE ENFORCEMENT <br /> Kathy Barnard, Director, reviewed her department' s budget (pages 49-51) <br /> for a total cost of $403, 647, representing a 16% increase. She noted that <br /> Community Development paid for six new cars; that there are presently <br /> 13 passenger cars , 2 trucks and 1 pick-up truck. She has a total of 27 <br /> employees with sixteen being paid by the Civil City budget and the rest from <br /> Community Development. It was noted that "rent-a-truck program" through the <br /> Neighborhood Organization was working out fairly well . The Committee then <br /> briefly discussed the reorganization. It was further noted that the <br /> Humane Society request of $130, 000 had not been formally negotiated. <br /> The Committee then reviewed the Junk Vehicle fund (page 100) for a total <br /> amount of $20, 000 representing a 33% increase. The City recently received <br /> $16, 600 in the sale of junk vehicles . Presently the contract with Hurwich <br /> Towing and Service had a provision of storage at a cost of $1. 00 per day or <br /> a maximum of $4, 200. <br /> 11: 05 - 11:45 BUILDINGS AND PERMITS <br /> James Markle reviewed the Bureau's budget which is requested at a total <br /> of $197, 664, representing a 11% increase. It was noted that contractors <br /> are requesting better enforcement of the City's laws in this area. Mr. <br /> Markle was to contact Mr. Kernan with regards to increasing various line-items <br /> which the Council could not address . <br /> The Committee meeting was recessed until 1: 15 p.m. <br />