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CITY OF SOUTH BEND HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />IV <br />V <br />Page 16 <br />The public was represented by: <br />N/A <br />After due consideration, the following action was taken: <br />Upon a motion by Joan Down s-Krosten ko, seconded by Eric Stalheim, and carried <br />by unanimous vote, the Historic Preservation Commission APPROVES Certificate of <br />Appropriateness Application #2021-0503. <br />Vote: 6-0. Six in favor, none opposed. <br />COA #2021-0503 is approved <br />PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />(Audio Position 1:51:32) <br />Commissioner Deegan asked the staff about the budget concession process <br />REGULAR BUSINESS <br />a. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />i. March 15, 2021 <br />(Audio Position 1:53:01) <br />Upon a motion by Patrick Deegan, seconded by Eric Stalheim and carried <br />unanimously by vote, the Minutes from the March 15, 2021 Historic Preservation <br />Commission meeting were approved. <br />Vote: 6-0. Six in favor, none opposed. <br />March 15, 2021 Minutes are approved. <br />ii. April 19, 2021 <br />Upon a motion by Patrick Deegan, seconded by Eric Stalheim and carried <br />unanimously by vote, the Minutes from the April 19, 2021 Historic Preservation <br />Commission meeting were approved. <br />Vote: 6-0. Six in favor, none opposed. <br />April 19, 2021 Minutes are approved. <br />b. STAFF REPORTS (Audio Position 1:53:49) <br />i. Administrative Approvals <br />After due consideration, no action was taken. <br />c. COMMITTEE REPORTS (Audio Position 1:54:05) <br />i. Disposition of Historic Preservation Assets <br />After due consideration, no action was taken <br />