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�. ..� �.Yii%al.�5. <br />�L. <br />Company ID Number:32855 Client Company ID Number:385743 <br />ii. The employee's work authorization has not expired, and <br />iii. The Employer has reviewed the information reflected in the Form 1-9 either in person or in <br />communications with the employee to ensure that the employee's Section 1, Form I-9 <br />attestation has not changed (including, but not limited to, a lawful permanent resident alien <br />having become a naturalized U.S. citizen). <br />F. The Employer shall complete a new form I-9 consistent with Article II.A.6 or update the previous <br />Form I-9 to provide the necessary information if: <br />i. The Employer cannot determine that Form I-9 complies with Article II.A.6, <br />ii. The employee's basis for work authorization as attested in Section 1 has expired or changed, <br />or <br />iii. The Form I-9 contains no SSN or is otherwise incomplete. <br />Note: If Section 1 of Form I-9 is otherwise valid and up-to-date and the form otherwise <br />complies with Article II.C.S, but reflects documentation (such as a U.S. passport or Form I- <br />551) that expired after completing Form I-g, the Employer shall not require the production of <br />additional documentation, or use the photo screening tool described in Article II.A.S, subject <br />to any additional or superseding instructions that may be provided on this subject in the E- <br />Verify User Manual. <br />G. The Employer agrees not to require a second verification using E-Verify of any assigned employee <br />who has previously been verified as a newly hired employee under this MOU or to authorize <br />verification of any existing employee by any Employer that is not a Federal contractor based on this <br />Article. <br />3. The Employer understands that if it is a Federal contractor, its compliance with this MOU is a performance <br />requirement under the terms of the Federal contract or subcontract, and the Employer consents to the <br />release of information relating to compliance with its verification responsibilities under this MOU to <br />contracting officers or other officials authorized to review the Employer's compliance with Federal <br />contracting requirements. <br />D. RESPONSIBILITIES OF SSA <br />1. SSA agrees to allow DHS to compare data provided by the Employer (through the E-Verify Employer Agent) <br />against SSA's database. SSA sends DHS confirmation that the data sent either matches or does not match <br />the information in SSA's database. <br />2. SSA agrees to safeguard the information the Employer provides (through the E-Verify Employer Agent) <br />through E-Verify procedures. SSA also agrees to limit access to such information, as is appropriate by law, to <br />individuals responsible for the verification of Social Security numbers or responsible for evaluation of E- <br />Verify or such other persons or entities who may be authorized by SSA as governed by the Privacy Act (5 <br />U.S.C. Section 552a), the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1306(a)), and SSA regulations (20 CFR Part 401). <br />3. SSA agrees to provide case results from its database within three Federal Government work days of the <br />initial inquiry. E-Verify provides the information to the E-Verify Employer Agent. <br />4. SSA agrees to update SSA records as necessary if the employee who contests the SSA tentative <br />nonconfirmation visits an SSA field office and provides the required evidence. If the employee visits an SSA <br />field office within the eight Federal Government work days from the date of referral to SSA, SSA agrees to <br />update SSA records, if appropriate, within the eight -day period unless SSA determines that more than eight <br />days may be necessary. In such cases, SSA will provide additional instructions to the employee. If the <br />employee does not visit SSA in the time allowed, E-Verify may provide a final nonconfirmation to the E-Verify <br />Employer Agent. <br />Note: If an Employer experiences technical problems, or has a policy question, the employer should contact <br />E-Verify at 1-888-464-4218. <br />E. RESPONSIBILITIES OF DHS <br />1. DHS agrees to provide the Employer with selected data from DHS databases to enable the Employer <br />(through the E-Verify Employer Agent) to conduct, to the extent authorized by this MOU: <br />A. Automated verification checks on alien employees by electronic means, and <br />B. Photo verification checks (when available) on employees. <br />2. DHS agrees to assist the E-Verify Employer Agent with operational problems associated with its participation <br />in E-Verify. DHS agrees to provide the E-Verify Employer Agent names, titles, addresses, and telephone <br />numbers of DHS representatives to be contacted during the E-Verify process. <br />Page 7 of 17 I E-Verify MOU for Employers Using a Web Services Employer Agent i Revision Date 06/Ol/13 <br />